General President James P. Hoffa

Live Better

Boasting a slogan like "Live Better," you'd think that Wal-Mart would care about making people's lives better. So why does it always seem like its executives are only out to improve their own?

In an effort to push their anti-worker agenda, Wal-Mart executives have begun herding thousands of store managers and department heads into mandatory, captive-audience meetings across the country.  In addition to Wal-Mart denying people their right to form a union, the company is attempting to taint employees' good judgment, spreading the same old lies about unions that they've been saying for years.


Hoffa to Teamster Women: Vote For Yourself, Your Future

General President Jim Hoffa tells the nearly 900 women attending the eighth annual Teamster Women's Conference that it is time to get busy to elect a president "who believes in what we believe in."

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Bush and McCain arm in arm
John McCain: No Friend of the American Worker 


John McCain told a real howler on Tuesday when he said American workers are the 'fundamental strength of the U.S. economy."

This is the same John McCain who's been kicking the crap out of American workers for the last 26 years.


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