Proxy Configuration

Here you will find instructions for using the FTP and Web proxies. Keep in mind that depending on where you access the proxies from (whether you are inside or outside of the BNL network), the process will differ slightly. 

For FTP, you will not be required to enter any passwords to use the proxies while on the BNL network. However, when accessing the proxies from an outside network (e.g. anything not, you will be required to authenticate using a CryptoCard token. If you do not already have one of these, please visit for instructions on obtaining one.

Users who are only interested in configuring their web browsers need NOT bother with CRYPTOCards, as the web proxies will not be needed when you are outside the BNL network.

Proxy Configuration Instructions for Internal Network

Proxy Hostname and Port Information

ITD Unix supports a load balanced selection of HTTP proxy servers located at the, port 3128. For specifics on configuring individual web browsers, see the instructions above.

  • Mac Users: If you are using Mac OS X and have difficulties resolving the name for you will have to configure your machine to recognize this as a valid domain. This article from explains how to make the change:

Proxy Configuration Instructions for External (wireless) Visitor Network

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Last Modified: March 6, 2008
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