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ACBSA meeting - January 2004

DATE: January 28 and 29, 2004

TO: Interested Parties


Whereas the DHHS ACBSA finds that current instabilities in the national blood system pose threats to blood safety and availability, and limit national preparedness to address disasters including potential acts of terrorism;

And whereas the DHHS ACBSA finds the goals of supply, quality, accessibility and efficiency as stated in the 1974 National Blood Policy remain applicable, the committee recommends that DHHS urgently:

  1. Take steps to enable development of a 5-7 day inventory of blood components in all collection centers both to stabilize the blood system and to improve preparedness for disasters.
  1. Fully fund the DHHS Blood Action Plan in the area of private and government supply monitoring, and increasing the blood supply.
  1. Address funding needs at all levels of the blood system to support product safety, quality, availability and access through targeting of additive resources and appropriate reform of the CMS reimbursement system for blood and blood products including plasma derived therapeutics and their recombinant analogs.

And whereas, consistent with our previous recommendations of January 2002, the ACBSA further believes that establishing a National Blood Reserve Program would add stability and security to the US blood system if developed in the context of increased daily collection inventories through an enhanced program to expand and sustain volunteer blood donations;

And whereas the committee additionally endorses the elements of a National Blood Reserve Program as developed by the AABB Interorganizational Task Force, therefore the committee also recommends that:

  1. DHHS fund development of a National Blood Reserve as a government/private sector partnership.

Last Revised: April 14, 2004


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