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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Albuquerque Police

With the start of the 2007 school year the City of Albuquerque is releasing a new Green version of the Slow Down sign with the message "Speed Strictly Enforced" printed on the sign as a reminder that the Albuquerque Police Department does aggressively enforce traffic laws in our city. 

The City of Albuquerque's "Slow Down Albuquerque" campaign is a positive traffic awareness campaign to help Albuquerque's citizens be aware of their own driving habits, while reminding others to slow down on our City streets.

While citizens often complain to the City about cars speeding through their neighborhoods, many citizens would have to admit that they too have driven fast down city streets.  There are 1,500 of the new "Slow Down Albuquerque" yard signs available, and they are free to all interested citizens at the following Albuquerque Police Department locations:

Valley Area Command - 5408 2nd NW - 761-8800
Southeast Area Command - 800 Louisiana NE - 256-2050
Foothills Area Command - 12800 Lomas N.E. - 332-5240
Northeast Area Command - 8201 Osuna Road NE - 823-4455
Westside Area Command - 6404 Los Volcanes Road NW - 831-4705
The hours of operation for the these facilities are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.

Citizens are advised to call these locations to make sure that yard signs are still available, before they go to pick up a sign. If this campaign proves to be popular, we will print more signs for additional distribution.

By taking one of these yard signs we are asking citizens to post the sign in their yard and to make a personal commitment to not speed on Albuquerque streets.

And, if you do speed, remember that the Albuquerque Police Department does "Strictly Enforce" our speeding laws, so it is best to "Slow Down Albuquerque."

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