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Milestone Reports




Thermal Structure Monitoring and Related Studies

Michael McCormick

Executive Summary

jpg: thermistor chain deployment imageObservationally, perhaps the biggest gap in our knowledge of the physical environment in the Great Lakes is in being able to provide a detailed description of the annual evolution of the three-dimensional temperature field and its year to year variability. This information impacts the annual evolution of the entire biological community, all the way from the lower food web, including phytoplankton and zooplankton, on up to fish. Some information on surface temperature is available from satellite surface temperature maps and from National Data Buoy Center buoys (NDBC web site) during the shipping season, but it is not possible to infer the details of the vertical thermal structure from surface temperature alone. Therefore, baseline measurements of the detailed horizontal and vertical distribution of water temperature data with high resolution in time and space are critically needed to assess interannual variability of the thermal structure of the Great Lakes, to test three dimensional model parameterization, to understand vertical mixing processes, and to aid in interpreting biological and other environmental data. In addition to making new observations it is equally important to study historical data sources such as coastal temperature and NDBC buoy data to see what insights they can provide into system behavior and whether or not any trends are evident.

The main objectives of this project are:
1. to develop improved climatological information by means of observations, new instrumentation, and improved analyses of the distribution and variability of coastal and offshore temperatures and by studying their dependence on meteorological and hydrological forces, with emphasis on potential changes in climate
2. to concurrently provide data for improving numerical models that can simulate and predict the thermal structure in the lakes.

Dave Schwab, GLERL
Gary Fahnenstiel, GLERL
Dima Beletsky, Cooperative Institute for Limnologial and Ecological Research, (CILER web site)
Tomas Hook, CILER
Edward Rutherford, University of Michigan (UM web site)

Program Accomplishments 2005

The mid-lake ADCP/thermistor mooring was successfully retrieved. Both ADCPs functioned properly as well as the 11 temperature/data loggers.

A new mid-lake mooring was deployed containing 11 temperature data loggers. The ADCPs were not redeployed but were used in Lake Erie instead.

Two multiple author publications were submitted this year.

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Milestone Reports

Milestone FY02 Q2 Report on estimates of the Lagrangian time and space scales associated with coastal circulation in southern Lake Michigan.

Milestone FY98 Q2 Report on evaluating the use of natural markers (i.e., time, and the temperature of maximum density) for detecting climate trends in historical water intake temperature data in the Great Lakes region.

South Haven Channel, Lake Michigan

South Haven channel: heading out to southern Lake Michigan on mooring retrieval cruise aboard the RV Shenehon


Price, H., S. A. Pothoven, M. J. McCORMICK, P. C. Jensen and G. L. Fahnenstiel. 2003. Temperature influence on commercial Lake Whitefish harvest in eastern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 29(2):296-300.

Hook, T. O., Rutherford, E., Brines, S., Schwab, D. and M. McCORMICK. Relationships between surface temperatures and the spatial and temporal distributions of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Lake Michigan. J. Great Lakes Res. (submitted)

Hook, T. O., E. S. Rutherford, S. J. Brines, D. M. Mason, D. J. Schwab, M. J. McCORMICK, G. W. Fleischer, T. J. DeSorcie and W. G. Sprules. 2003. Spatially explicit measures of production of young alewives in Lake Michigan: linkage between essential fish habitat and recruitment. Estuaries 26(1):21-29.

Brandt, S. B., Mason, D. M., McCormick, M. J., Lofgren, B., Hunter, T. S., and J. A. Tyler. 2002. Climate Change: Implications for Fish Growth Performance in the Great Lakes. In: Fisheries in a Changing Climate. (N. A. McGinn, ed.) p. 61-75.

Lesht, B.M., J.R. Stroud, M.J. McCORMICK, G.L. Fahnenstiel, M.L. Stein, L.J. Welty, and G.A. Leshkevich. 2002. An event-driven phytoplankton bloom in southern Lake Michigan observed by satellite. 17 April. Geophys. Res. Lett.

Helfand, J. S., Podber, D. P., and M. J. McCORMICK. 2000. Effect of heat flux on thermocline formation. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Modeling. 114-129.

Fahnenstiel, G. L., Stone, R. A., McCORMICK, M. J., Schelske, C. L., and S. E. Lohrenz. 2000. Spring isothermal mixing in the Great Lakes: Evidence of nutrient limitation in a sub-optimal light environment. Can. J. Fish. and Aquat. Sci. 57(9): 1901-1910.

McCORMICK, M. J., and G. L. Fahnenstiel. 1999. Recent climatic trends in nearshore water temperatures in the St. Lawrence Great Lakes. Limnol. and Oceanog. 44(3):530-540.

McCORMICK, M. J., and D. C. Lam. 1999. Lake Thermodynamics. In Potential Climate Change Effects on Great Lakes Hydrodynamics and Water Quality. D. Lam and W. Schertzer (Eds) ASCE. Reston, Virginia, P.3-1 3-20.

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Last updated: 2005-10-20 mbl