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September 26, 2006

Toliara-On Tuesday September 26, US Ambassador James D. McGee visited Toliara to launch a cooperative program with the Government of Madagascar to combat the scourge of trafficking in persons. This program, managed through USAID, will fund Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to work with the Ministry of Justice and civil society organi zations to implement the Fight Against Trafficking and Abuse (FITIA) program. Under FITIA, the United States Government will support activities to combat trafficking in persons in high risk areas of Madagascar. All activities completed under the program are funded by the American people with a budget totaling over $400,000 for two years.

Ambassador with FiTiA implementing Partners US Ambassador James D. McGee with FiTiA implementing Partners.
Photo Credit: Aaron Brownell, USAID/Madagascar

Madagascar is making progress in the fight against trafficking in persons. There is, however, continued room for improvement. The causes and consequences of this problem in Mada- gascar need to be better understood. Greater emphasis needs to be given to prevention of human trafficking, protection of victims, and law enforcement concerning this issue. Many girls and young women are vulnerable to and victims of trafficking due to poverty, lack of access of education and other economic difficulties.

USAID will focus on three high risk areas: Nosy Be, Toamasina, and Toliary. These areas were selected based on their prevailing social and economic conditions that increase the vulnerabilities to this crime. By 2008, FITIA will raise public awareness on the need to fight trafficking; facilitate legal actions to combat the problem; improve social services; and build capacities of local organizations to increase access to comprehensive prevention, protection and reintegration services for the victims of trafficking and their families. Program activities will provide information on: the causes and conditions that facilitate trafficking, related legislation, and concrete steps to fight the problem.

FITIA will work with local partners that include: DRV (Dinika sy Rindran’ny Vehivavy); Safety Net Olom-Baovao, FAFED (Fédération des Associations Femmes et Développement); OMINO (Organisation Médicale Inter-entreprise de Nosy Be); CDD (Commission de Développenent Diocésain); and SALFA (Sampan’asa Loterana).

Official launching ceremonies were held: on September 11 in Nosy Be, on September 19 in Toamasina, and on September 26 in Toliara.