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Senior Technology Engineer - UNIX Services (DL5017) - Requires a bachelor's degree, or equivalent experience in computer science or a related field, and at least 8 years experience in the design, coding, testing, and troubleshooting of information systems. Experience configuring, administering, patching, securing and performance tuning Linux platforms and clustered computing (including schedulers, resource managers and distributed file systems); ability to independently generate creative solutions to atypical problems using open source technologies in a fast-paced and dynamic environment; debugging hardware, managing RAID storage systems, knowledge of security (iptables, TCP wrappers), authentication and the following services: NFS, DNS, DHCP, NIS, LDAP, Samba, Printing, FTP and Apache, is required; ability to write shell scripts is required. Preferred requirements include the ability to use PERL or Python; experience with Mac OS and experience with the Open Science Grid services of similar grid technologies. Responsibilities include system administration, maintaining and expanding Linux clusters, and engineering level system troubleshooting and debugging. Will act as Primary Engineer designing, implementing and supporting UNIX services at the NSLS-II. Reporting directly to the IT Manager, will play a leading role in the formulation of needs, the design and the implementation of UNIX services in support of a community of 2500 users. Currently the project provides data storage and data processing capabilities for physics simulations and accelerator design. It is expected that the candidate will use his/her creativity and expertise to further expand the scope of UNIX services and also lead the efforts to integrate the facility with the Open Science Grid operations. Job No. 14391. Log in to the Candidate Gateway to apply for this position.




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