Job Posting Details

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Physicist (S-3) - Group Leader - Soft X-ray Scattering Beamline (PE4679) - Requires a Ph.D. in Physics and at least 5 years of relevant postdoctoral experience. Experience in soft x-ray coherent scattering and/or imaging is required and prior experience in managing the construction and operation of a beamline is preferred. Candidates must have excellent written and oral communications skills and be able to interact effectively with a diverse group of scientists, technical staff, and users. The selected candidate will be responsible for working with the user community to define the scientific mission and technical requirements for a soft x-ray undulator beamline and for its design, construction, and commissioning. The selected candidate will also be responsible for developing the user community for the beamline and for developing and managing a scientific research program based on the beamline. Job No. 14117. Log in to the Candidate Gateway to apply for this position.




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