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Solid Waste Division - reduce, reuse, recycle

Waste Clearance

secure your load for safer roads

Secure Your Load

Vehicles arriving with unsecured loads at public or private transfer stations in King County can be charged an unsecured load fee.

The Solid Waste Division (SWD) accepts waste at King County facilities in accordance with the county's waste acceptance rule. This rule restricts or prohibits the disposal of some types of waste due to regulatory or operating constraints or environmental or public health concerns, or because the waste can readily be recycled or disposed more appropriately at a different type of facility.

Some restricted wastes may be accepted for disposal only when specific conditions are met before or during disposal. The process that has been established for evaluating restricted wastes, determining whether they can be accepted, and establishing the conditions for acceptance is known as waste clearance. For more information, please see the complete waste clearance policy.

Determining if Wastes Can Be Disposed at County Facilities

To determine if a material can be disposed, refer to the What do I do with...? site. Select the material to be disposed to find the waste disposal information. Contact SWD if your waste does not appear on the list or if you have questions about acceptance of your waste.

If a waste clearance is required, you will need to fill out one of the following forms:

  • Waste Clearance Application: PDF version (PDF, 43 K) or Microsoft Word version (301 K) – an SWD form used for most waste clearances, or
  • Waste Characterization Form (PDF, 331 K) – a Public Health – Seattle & King County form used for industrial waste, contaminated soil and other wastes that may require testing before disposal.

Based on the information submitted, SWD will issue a waste clearance decision if the waste in question can be disposed at a county facility. The waste clearance decision describes where the waste may be disposed and any conditions that must be met. You must take a copy of the waste clearance decision with you when you dispose your waste.

A special waste rate is applied to materials that require special handling, recordkeeping or review. The rate to be applied (basic rate or special waste rate) is indicated on the waste clearance decision.

For additional information, please contact SWD at 206-296-6542. To find out more about the types of materials accepted and not accepted at the county's transfer stations, please refer to the county's waste acceptance rule.

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King County Solid Waste Division
King Street Center 201 S. Jackson Street, Suite 701, Seattle, Washington 98104
Solid Waste Information Line: 206-296-4466, Fax: 206-296-0197, TTY Relay: 711,
800-325-6165 ext. 66542 (outside the local calling area M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm)
Send us your comments online.

Updated: Sep. 30, 2007

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