Enhancing A Renewable-Based System
To MAIN PAGE About BPA NW Hydro The Columbia River For Kids of all Ages Gallery BPA's main power supply comes from water, a renewable resource. Under the Northwest Power Act of 1980, BPA can add new resources to meet its customers' needs, with energy conservation as the first choice and renewable resources second. Since 1980, BPA has acquired almost 780 average megawatts of energy conservation, enough to serve the cities of Spokane and Boise.

A few years ago the west coast faced a power shortage, so BPA is looking into new generating resources including wind and geothermal. BPA continues to invest in energy conservation through projects to encourage use of energy-efficient technologies, such as ultra-efficient lightbulbs. BPA funds low-income weatherization and works with its customer utilities on their local conservation programs.

BPA uses its transmission ties with California and Canada to exchange energy, which lessens the environmental impacts of power systems up and down the West Coast. For example, BPA sells power from spring runoff to California utilities to cut back on fossil-fueled power plants and reduce air pollution. California sends the power back in winter, when the Northwest needs it for heating.
NEXT: Fish and Wildlife Protection

Introduction | What Is BPA? | A History Of Service | Balancing River Uses | Power Revenues Pay BPA Costs | Enhancing A Renewable System | Fish and Wildlife Protection | Selling The Northwest's Federal Power | Transmission Lines Connect The Dots | The Future Is Yours | Back to mainpage