1998 FDA Scientific Achievement Awards
Center and ORA Awardees


Roland A. Levandowski, M.D. - CBER
For the support of influenza vaccine safety and efficacy by impacting on vaccine composition, and ensuring reference reagents for manufacture and release of influenza vaccines

Donald Witters, M.S. - CDRH
For extraordinary vision, initiative, and leadership in developing and promoting solutions to the public health hazards of electromagnetic interference with medical devices

Badar Shaikh, Ph.D. - CVM
For the development of regulatory methods for the determination of diuretic drug residues in bovine milk

Laurence C. Schmued, Ph.D. - NCTR
For the development of Fluoro-Jade, a powerful histochemical tracer, for the simple, fast, sensitive and definitive identification of degenerating neurons following exposure to neurotoxicants of FDA relevance

G. William Chase, Jr. - ORA
For exceptional effort through research and technology transfer in providing the Agency with high quality analytical methods for food nutrients


Hira Nakhasi, Ph.D. - CBER
For outstanding contributions to the understanding of host - pathogen interactions relevant to safety and efficacy of vaccines for Rubella and Leishmania

F.D. Sistare, K.L. Thompson, and B.A. Rosenzweig - CDER
For identifying genetic instability in the Tg.AC transgenic mouse carcinogenicity model, and for discovering a genetic marker to identify, explain, and eliminate the nonresponder phenotype

Victor Krauthamer, Ph.D. - CDRH
For pioneering research on the delineation of the risks of electrical defibrillation of the heart by applying state-of-the-art methods of cell physiology

Peter Feng, Ph.D. - CFSAN
For enhancing food safety by devising unique detection procedures for Escherichia coli 0157:H7 and for enlightening our understanding of how this pathogen emerged

E.J. Ian De Veau, Ph.D. - CVM
For the determination and comparison of the pharmacokinetics of phenylbutazone in dairy cows and beef cattle

Robert H. Heflich, Ph.D. - NCTR
For the development and application of sensitive and predictive in vivo mutation assays for regulatory purposes

Joseph L. Ferreira, Ph.D. - ORA
For the development of a rapid, sensitive, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of Clostridium botulinum toxins that will improve the Agency's regulatory ability


Bruce D. Meade, Ph.D. - CBER
For providing leadership and superb scientific expertise that expedited the evaluation and licensing of acellular pertussis vaccines

Abdul J. Sankoh & Mohammad F. Huque - CDER
For their outstanding contribution to the statistical review process through innovative research about the effects of multiplicity on the design and analysis of clinical trials

Raju G. Kammula, D.V.M., Ph.D.
For scientific review excellence and regulatory leadership in the development and harmonization of FDA special controls with national and international biocompatibility

Lori A. Love, M.D., Ph.D. - CFSAN
For exemplary performance in the application of scientific expertise to the regulatory review of the use of ephedrine alkaloids in dietary supplements

Randall A. Lovell, D.V.M., Ph.D. - CVM
For excellence in regulatory review of issues related to the safety of vomitoxin, olestra, ethoxyquin, and BSE

Dennis E. Guilfoyle, Ph.D. - ORA
For serving as an outstanding agency resource in pharmaceutical microbiology which has been continually demonstrated during complex inspections, numerous pharmaceutical presentations, sample analyses, and research


TSE Working Group

David M. Asher, M.D. (CBER)
John E. Bailey, Ph.D. (CFSAN)
Yuan-Yuan Chiu, Ph.D. (CDER)
Elisa Louise Elliot, Ph.D. (CFSAN)
Kiki B. Hellman, Ph.D. (CDRH)
John P. Honstead, D.V.M. (CVM)
John E. Vanderveen, Ph.D. (CFSAN-retired)
Carol Keller Vincent, M.S. (CDER)
For outstanding scientific leadership in analyzing risks of TSE transmission via regulated products and issuing regulation/guidance to industry to safeguard public health

Other Nominees for Outstanding Intercenter Scientific Collaboration

Pharmacovigilance Project Advisory Group
Robert C. Nelson, Ph.D. (CDER)
David J. Graham, M.D. (CDER)
Robert Wise, M.D. (CBER)
Roselie A. Bright, Sc.D. (CDRH)
Susan L. Lu, R.Ph. (CDER)
For the development of improved pharmacovigilance structure and functions within the new Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) consistent with sound epidemiological principles

Domoic Acid Team
Andrew C. Scallet, Ph.D. (NCTR)
Thomas J. Sobotka, Ph.D. (CFSAN)
For the identification of threshold exposure conditions above which the seafood toxicant "domoic acid" damaged the central nervous system and thereby disrupted its normal behavioral functioning

Tissue Reference Group
Martha A. Wells, M.P.H. (CBER)
Ruth Solomon, M.D. (CBER)
Phil Noguchi, M.D. (CBER)
David W. Feigal, Jr., M.D., M.P.H. (CBER)
John G. Bishop, III, Ph.D. (CBER)
Claudia M. Gaffey, M.D. (CDRH)
Celia M. Witten, Ph.D., M.D. (CDRH)
Susan Alpert, Ph.D., M.D. (CDRH)
Eugene Berk (CDRH)
Steven H. Unger, J.D. (OC)
For outstanding contributions in facilitating the FDA's intercenter initiative on regulation of human cell and tissue based products

Biosera Working Inspection Team
Deborah S. Hammond, (ORA)
Teena M. Aiken (ORA)
Russell Gripp (ORA)
Yvonne Wilkes (ORA)
Denise Rabideaux (ORA)
Thomas J. Adams (CBER)
Deborah J. Parshall, M.B.A. (CBER)
Anita Fay Richardson, M.A.S. (CBER)
Sheryl Kochman (CBER)
Molly M. Ray (CBER)
Helen Worst (CBER)
For the synergistic interaction among field investigators, compliance officers and laboratory analysis culminating in a regulatory action preventing donor injury

Paul S. Ruggera, P.E. (CDRH)
Howard Bassen, M.S. (CDRH)
Jeffrey L. Silberberg, M.S. (CDRH)
Donald M. Witters, M.S. (CDRH)
Joanne Barron, M.S. (CDRH)
William S. Boivin, M.S. (ORA)
Sean M. Boyd (ORA)
John N. Coletta (ORA)
Charles D. Harris (ORA)
Lesley M. Neunaber (ORA)
For outstanding inter-center collaboration in EMC test method development, electromagnetic use environment characterization, and input into the development of national and international standards


Outstanding Posters:

  1. Poster I4
    Neurohistochemical Toxicity of Ibogaine, a Proposed Treatment for Drug Addiction
    AC Scallet and AZ Zu
    NCTR, Jefferson, AR

  2. Poster D5
    Acute Deafness and Conjunctivitis following Hemodialysis
    JC Hutter, MJ Kuehnert, RR Wallis , AD Lucas, S Sen, and WR Jarvis
    CDRH, Rockville, MD

  3. Poster C2
    Phosphodiesterase III Inhibitor-Induced Vasculitis in Rats
    J Zhang, E Herman, D Chadwick, H Sheevers, V Whitehurst, J Koerner, T Papoian, V Ferrans and F Sistare
    CDER, Laurel, MD

Honorable Mention Posters:

  1. Poster A6
    Formation of Physiological Synapses in Culture
    M Matsuzawa, RS Potember, and V Krauthamer
    CDRH, Rockville, MD

  2. Poster H1
    Identification of Transgene Instability and a Genotypic Marker that Predicts Tumorigenic Response in the TG.AC Transgenic Mouse Carcinogenicity Model
    K Thompson, BA Rosenzweig, R Honchel and FD Sistare
    CDER, Laurel, MD

Poster Judges

Thomas Collins, CFSAN, Treasurer, FDA Chapter of Sigma Xi
Howard Cyr, CDRH, current President of FDA Chapter of Sigma Xi
Kearby Fugate, CDRH, Secretary, FDA Chapter of Sigma Xi
George Ikeda, CFSAN, former President of FDA Chapter of Sigma Xi
Jan Johannessen, CFSAN, former President of FDA Chaper of Sigma Xi
Marilyn Lightfoote, CDRH, former poster winner
Jim Vick, CDER, former poster winner and FDA Chapter of Sigma Xi member

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