Soft X-ray Beamline at NSLS-II

February 4, 2008

PDF Workshop Summary  |  Diagram: CSX first iteration (.ppt)

This workshop will provide a great and unique opportunity for the soft x-ray community to impact the development of soft x-ray science at NSLS-II. The medium energy and the high brightness planned for NSLS-II will provide very intense, highly coherent photon beams in the soft x-ray range. The set of NSLS-II project beamlines includes one dedicated to uses of coherent soft x-rays (named Coherent Soft X-ray (CSX)). The CSX beamline is designed to provide high coherent flux of up to 1013 photons/sec with a resolving power in the 104 range and full control of the polarization state of the photons.

Furthermore, this beamline will provide the capability to fast-switch the polarization handedness at frequencies up to 1 kHz. The CSX beamline covers an energy range from 200 eV to 2200 eV and is designed to preserve the coherence of the beam and to maximize the photon flux on sample without sacrificing resolving power. The workshop will focus mainly on the types of end-stations that will best be able to take advantage of the superior properties of the CSX beamline and to search for the appropriate CSX Beamline Advisory Team (BAT) members.

In addition to discussion of the CSX beamline, another goal of this workshop is to identify the number and type of beamlines, based on both insertion device and bending magnet sources, and the experiments, such as scattering, imaging, and spectroscopy, that are needed by the soft x-ray community when NSLS-II is fully operational. It is our desire that the community speak out loud to plan for the future presence of soft x-rays at NSLS-II, either by newly constructed beamlines or beamlines transferred from NSLS.

The agenda consists of talks and discussion in the morning session related to the NSLS-II project beamline. The afternoon the session will be dedicated to the search for BAT members for the project beamline and for other beamlines that could be proposed during these discussions. We would like to keep the floor open for discussion to profile the needs for soft x-rays in the scientific community in general.


Note: All linked files are in Microsoft PowerPoint format unless otherwise indicated.

Morning Session - Steve Kevan Moderator
8:30 am - 8:40 am Introduction and deliverables for the workshop C. Sanchez-Hanke (BNL)
8:40 am - 9:10 am BAT's and LOI's J. Hill (BNL)
9:10 am - 9:40 am Beamline Design R. Reininger (Scientific Answers & Solutions)
9:40 am - 10:00 am Coffee Break (Group Photo 9:45 am)
10:00 am - 10:30 am End-station details using coherence C. Jacobsen (SUNY, Stony Brook)
10:30 am - 11:00 am New project for a soft x-ray beamline at APS D. Keavney (Argonne National Lab)
11:00 am - 12:00 pm Discussion about BAT's and LOI's for CSX beamline - OPEN FLOOR discussion
Afternoon Session - Steve Hulbert/C. Sánchez-Hanke Moderators
1:00 pm - 1:30 pm Beamline Transition from NSLS - NSLS-II S. Hulbert (BNL)
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm Open floor discussion about the BAT´s LOIs and other beamline designs for NSLS-II.
Contributing talks from: Yves Idzerda, Dario Arena, Stuart Wilkins, Louis Piper

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Last Modified: February 28, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Gary Schroeder