2000 FDA Science Forum Speaker and Poster Abstracts
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Note: Of the 156 poster abstracts submitted for the Forum, 120 are available here. (For FDA personnel, 137 abstracts are available at the the FIRSt site.) In additon, the abstracts for the Forum speakers are available.

The abstracts use symbols, subscripts, and superscripts. Symbols such as micro (µ), beta (ß), and degree (°) use the ISO Character set; symbols such as alpha (a) and gamma (g) use the SYMBOL font face. They may not appear as intended unless a graphics WEB browser such as Netscape or Internet Explorer is used.

Abstract Submitters: Please take a look at your abstract to make sure it is correct. For changes, contact Fred Fry at (301) 436-1976, or by E-mail at frf@vm.cfsan.fda.gov.

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Last updated on 2005-JUN-03 by frf