U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

Notice No. 061

April 12, 1977

OCS Operations Safety Alert

Explosion -- Fire

An explosion and fire recently occurred on an offshore production platform when gas ignited in a generator building. The lease operator had observed that the gas detector alarm light for the generator building was on in the office building panel board. He proceeded to the generator building and went inside to check for a possible source of a gas leak. He could not smell gas but did hear a hissing sound. He then decided to shut down the generator until the gas leak could be found. Upon activating the shut-down button an explosion occurred with flames first visible to him from the swtichgear area. He received first and second degree burns on the face and second and third degree burns to the hands. The ensuing fire heavily damaged the equipment and building. The fusible plug system in the building shut-in the producing wells, pipelines and other facilities. The fire was extinguished in 30 minutes with the platform fire-fighting system. The source of the gas leak was found to be a structurally deflected flange in a fuel filter located on the fuel gas line leading to the turbine.

To prevent a recurrence of this accident the operator is taking the following action:

1. The fuel filter will be replaced by a unit utilizing a different flange design.

2. An additional emergency shut-down valve will be installed near the turbine skid to reduce the amount of fuel gas available to feed a fire should failure of the fuel system on the gas turbine occur.

[signed] D.W. Solanas

Oil and Gas Supervisor

Field Operations

Gulf of Mexico Area