National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 575] Document from National Commission on Adult Literacy

Gail Spangenberg gspangenberg at
Tue Dec 19 09:23:33 EST 2006


From time to time over the next couple of years, the National
Commission on Adult Literacy, which CAAL manages, will make
background papers developed for the Commission available to the
general public. The first set of four papers -- all summary
information papers on the role of the federal government in adult
literacy -- have been pulled together into an informal publication
that can be downloaded from the CAAL website (

The papers were written for the Commission by Lennox McLendon,
Garrett Murphy, and Jim Parker. They are titled as follows:

1. Adult Education and Literacy Legislation and Its Effects on the
Field (McLendon)

2. Adult Education & Literacy in the Unites States: Need for
Services, What the Current Delivery System Looks Like (Murphy)

3. Introduction to Main Strands of Federal Adult Literacy
Programming (Parker)

4. Federal Role in Adult Literacy, FY05-06 (Murphy)

The combined document is quite large (2.2 MB) but it will download
quickly for those with high speed connections. For those who prefer,
CAAL can make copies available by regular mail at $25 per copy plus
postage (contact bheitner at for ordering instructions).

Happiest of holidays to you all, and a wonderful new year --

Gail Spangenberg
Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy
1221 Avenue of the Americas - 46th Fl
New York, NY 10020
212-512-2362, F: 212-512-2610

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