National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 572] FOB Article-of-the-Week: Structure and Turbulence

Julie McKinney julie_mcKinney at
Tue Dec 5 14:44:02 EST 2006

Hi Everyone,

Well, we must celebrate FOB's newest and last issue (8C) by proposing
its cover article for this week's FOB Article-of-the-Week.

More Curriculum Structure: A Response to "Turbulence."
by John Strucker

This explores the all-to-frequent "attendance turbulence", and the
possible solution of offering a more structured syllabus-like curriculum
to allow ABE students to know what they miss and keep up when they have
to be absent.

This issue is newly available and only online. The above link is to the

What do people think of this propsed solution to "attendance
turbulence"? Do some of you use this type of structured curriculum
already with ABE classes? Do you think it helps when students have to
miss classes?

Let us know!

All the best,


Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

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