National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 331] Re: Discussion: video as a prof. devlpmt tool.

e s e.b.shupe at
Fri Jun 9 14:15:11 EDT 2006

Jessica and all,
Yes I agree, I think that videotaping could help teachers to connect, especially those of us who are on the periphery.

Just a few thoughts on the uses of videotaping as PD for adult educators:
If you look at videotaping as a means of critical reflection, it could help raise the consciousness of teachers, helping them better identify and challenge the assumptions that drive their teaching practices. For example, one goal might be toward a “critical teaching” approach (I think coined by Shor). One important goal of this approach is to begin to look at how teachers can help students to think more critically about their learning. Videotaping the classroom dynamics could be of both the student and the teacher and the reflection part could take various different forms. One focus might be on the methodological practices that strengthen or weaken learner’s ability to think and act creatively in the classroom. Many types of reflective questions in this area are already out there and available to use.

I can say from experience that many learners come to the classroom with preconceived notions about “learning” developed from their K-12 experience. The same is true of teachers. Because many teachers working with adult learners are unaware of the different aspects of adult learner motivation, many lack the skills to approach teaching in a way from would facilitate greater insight for their adult learners.

Visual aids are always a powerful tool in helping to to uncover hidden dynamics at work, As a result, helping teachers to create a more meaningful learning environment for their learners. I know this would be a huge undertaking (money and time commitment on the part of the institution, teacher and student) further it would require that teachers be onboard in terms of being open to changing the way they approach teaching and learning, but I think it would be worth the effort and I know that I would be highly motivated to participate in this type of PD.


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