National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics 323] Re: Discussion: video as a prof. devlpmt tool.

David Rosen djrosen at
Thu Jun 8 10:59:30 EDT 2006

Aaron and others,

I would like to see our field have a large digital video collection
of excellent examples of teaching. These "learning objects," or
relatively short classroom digital video clips, could demonstrate for
example: a teaching approach, technique, or method; a way of
organizing a classroom; a way to integrate technology; or a way to
use certain materials. Each clip could be linked to a widely agreed-
upon teaching quality standard. It should be online, accessible free
to teachers anytime, anywhere, and also to those who could use them
in their online or face-to-face professional development courses or

Some examples of this exist in the area of integrating technology in
the classroom. In our field this began several years ago with the
very well done, and still relevant "Captured Wisdom" project by Lynda
Ginsburg, Jennifer Elmore and others [
adultlit.htm ] . Current good work is being done in California by
Marian Thacher and others at OTAN [
fuseaction=videogallery ]. These are short classroom examples of
teachers and students integrating technology well. I have learned a
lot about how to integrate technology well from both Captured Wisdom
and OTAN instructional Technology Assistance Project videos.

There are also examples of digital videos on line from the Portland,
Oregon National Labsite for Adult ESOL [
video_demo.html ] , a FOB article on this at [
id=987 ] and an archived discussion which began on this list in
February, 2006
[ ].

Are there other online digital video examples of good adult education

I think we need a major, multiyear national project to build an
online digital searchable database of "standards-based" examples of
good teaching. Would this be useful to you as a teacher, tutor,
administrator, or professional developer? If so, what would you like
to see in this database?

David J. Rosen
djrosen at

On Jun 8, 2006, at 9:23 AM, Aaron Kohring wrote:

> Virginia,


> I'm glad you mentioned how students used video as a resource for

> themselves. I remember observing a classroom that was doing a

> series of

> lessons around speaking and listening with a goal of preparing for

> work

> interviews. The students really found video useful as an

> assessment for

> how well they performed.

> Aaron


> At 01:44 PM 6/7/2006 -0700, you wrote:

>> I've used video on my own evaluation and had students use it for

>> theirs.

>> It is a useful tool and helps one be objective about what really

>> happens

>> in a group. We used to set the video up and leave it on

>> regularly, then

>> review what we noticed as a group (students and instructors). We

>> found

>> it a useful tool for program improvement.

>> Va


>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: focusonbasics-bounces at

>> [mailto:focusonbasics-bounces at] On Behalf Of Dominique

>> Brillanceau

>> Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 12:57 PM

>> To: The Focus on Basics Discussion List

>> Subject: [FocusOnBasics 318] Re: Discussion: video as a prof. devlpmt

>> tool.


>> Greetings,

>> While I concur with Esther's comments on the disconnectedness of

>> adult

>> educators and the barriers to sharing one's teaching or others'

>> through

>> video media, I have been thinking about the impact it has on

>> people who

>> have

>> done it. David did it in the 60's and a couple more people who have

>> participated in the discussion mentioned videotaping themselves or

>> others a

>> long time ago and they still talk about it. Or Janet who is using

>> it in


>> training. To me, that was uplifting. It is an experience that one

>> never

>> forgets and should be part of all teacher training programs.

>> It was a requirement in the TESL program at Portland State

>> University 20


>> years ago when I got my certificate but it no longer is. ( I still

>> have

>> the

>> tape- no comment)

>> A colleague of mine just made it a class requirement/ task for her

>> students

>> in a MA TESOL program at Oregon State University.

>> So... are there any paper FOB issues for this particular issue left?

>> They

>> could be sent to MA TESOL programs around the country and to state

>> directors

>> of Adult Basic Skills. Just an idea...

>> Great conversation. An eye opener and a way of being connected.


>> Dominique Brillanceau




>> ----- Original Message -----

>> From: "e s" <e.b.shupe at>

>> To: "The Focus on Basics Discussion List" <focusonbasics at>

>> Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 9:31 AM

>> Subject: [FocusOnBasics 316] Re: Discussion: video as a prof. devlpmt

>> tool.



>>> Everyone,

>>> I wanted to say a little more about the program that I am currently

>>> enrolled and the videotaping requirement. THis is an online

>> certificate

>>> program in English Language Teaching at The New School in NYC. THe

>> nature

>>> of distance learning requires the aid of technology to make the

>> program

>>> work and the videotaping of classroom instruction is purposeful in

>> this

>>> regard. The type of feedback I will get about the teaching and

>> learning

>>> observations is unknown to me at this time, but I hope to have my

>>> own

>>> purpose in viewing the tapes. Jessica's article and comments

>>> from the


>>> discussion will help me to ask the right questions. I'll be sure to

>> share

>>> my experience with the list.


>>> On another note, it's disheartening to me to read David's post

>>> and to


>>> know that the practice of videotaping classroom dynamics has been

>> around

>>> for so long and yet is still not common practice for adult

>>> educators.

>> THe

>>> issues are at least in part about funding but also about the lack of

>>> connection that is experienced by many adult educators. We for the

>> most

>>> part are a team of volunteers or part-timers with very little

>>> power in


>>> determining, what if any PD is offered to us. One of the continuing

>>> discussions about adult education is the way we are separate from

>> other

>>> institutions of learning. This in many ways gives us creative

>>> license

>> but

>>> in many significant ways is disempowering. What do others think?

>>> Esther


>>> --

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> Aaron Kohring

> Coordinator, LINCS Literacy & Learning Disabilities Special Collection

> (

> Moderator, National Institute for Literacy's Content Standards

> Discussion

> List (

> Coordinator, Equipped for the Future Websites (http://



> Center for Literacy Studies, University of Tennessee

> EFF Center for Training and Technical Assistance

> Phone:(865) 974-4109 main

> (865) 974-4258 direct

> Fax: (865) 974-3857

> e-mail: akohring at


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David Rosen
djrosen at

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