National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics] New from NCSALL--Skills for Chronic Disease Management

Kaye Beall kabeall at
Wed Mar 8 08:20:37 EST 2006

Skills for Chronic Disease Management

by Rima Rudd, Lisa Soricone, Maricel Santos, Charlotte Nath, and Janet Smith
is now available from NCSALL.

The goal of this 15-hour study circle+ is to prepare participants to help
their students develop basic skills needed for chronic disease management.
These skills include reading medicine labels, following directions, and
measuring dosages correctly; using measurement tools to monitor health;
monitoring symptoms and talking to health care professionals the
observations; and making critical decisions about health care.

To download the Health Literacy Study Circle+ Facilitator's Guide: Skills
for Chronic Disease Management, visit NCSALL's Web site:

To order the Health Literacy Study Circle+ Facilitator's Guide: Skills for
Chronic Disease Management at $33.00/copy, go to the NCSALL Order Form:


Kaye Beall

Outreach Coordinator/NCSALL Dissemination Project

World Education

4401 S. Madison St.

Muncie, IN 47302

Tel: 765-717-3942

Fax: 208-694-8262

kaye_beall at

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