Office of Auxiliary CG-3PCX
AuxInfo - Tracking Progess

AuxInfo allows all Auxiliary members to track their progress in the training, certifications and other activities. All Auxiliary members have a quick and easy way to follow their progress in gaining qualifications or tracking hours in programs. All the data that is in AuxData, for which you need a password, is also in AuxInfo. AuxInfo is a read only website program that allows members to review their progress. It is located at .

On your first visit, some software has to be loaded on your machine. Do not worry, it will not harm or degrade your system. It just allows you to see the 'cubes' in AuxInfo and change views, download material and other neat things.

Before you go to AuxInfo and start tracking down items, here are some ways to make it easier and less frustrating.

1. Go to this link and watch the flash presentation - AuxInfo- Training

2. Then to see how to view and create bookmarks to these cubes, view these "Flash" presentations

Now you're ready to check your qualifications, hours, annual currency items and a whole lot more.  Just remember that AuxInfo is one week behind AuxData. AuxInfo is updated each Sunday and the data remains static for a week.  Another point, if it is in AuxInfo, then it is in AuxData, as AuxInfo is AuxData in a read only view.


The National Training site has a web page full of information on how to use AuxInfo and AuxData. That link is eAuxData-Info

Last Modified 5/19/2008