[NIFL-FOBASICS:205] Re: EFF- Content - Standards

From: ralph silva (silva_ralph@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Dec 28 1999 - 20:34:36 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:205] Re: EFF- Content - Standards
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Whoops! I mistakenly attached EFF to all three types of standards covered in 
Regie's article. Many appologies. Still, Ronna's posting helps illustrate 
one of Regie's points. Ronna says;
"As for the third set of 'EFF standards
identified' mentioned by Ralph, I don't know of any efforts underway to 
develop EFF opportunity-to-learn standards (although plans may exist.)"
Regie's article talks about the importance of OTL standards and the fact 
that "...explicit mention of OTL standards was dropped early on..."
When I talk to fellow teachers about standards in general, the most 
mentioned concerns have to do with such things as; day care, transportation, 
adequate time per student, classroom space, special needs, volunteers- in 
other words, opportunity to learn issues.
Jeanette Baldridge alludes to the same issue in her posting. If we are to be 
student centered, we need to be responsive to their time and space and 
expressed needs requirements, in order to get to the place where we can 
address content and performance. Maybe OTL standards should be an explicit 
part of EFF. rs

>From: Rgspacone@aol.com
>Reply-To: nifl-fobasics@literacy.nifl.gov
>To: Multiple recipients of list <nifl-fobasics@literacy.nifl.gov>
>Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:204] EFF- Content - Standards
>Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 16:41:58 -0500 (EST)
>I am writing because I was left unclear by a reference to  "the three
>identified EFF standards" in a Dec 12th message written by Ralph Silva.
>Ralph said (snippet): "In Regie Stite and Sondra Stein excellent articles, 
>can follow the history of adult standards development, and get an idea of 
>inherent problems in standards based learning. What strikes me most 
>the three identified EFF Standards; content standards (What adults need to
>know), performance standards (how much they need to know and how we measure
>that) , and opportunity-to-learn standards (how we facilitate learning so
>that there is access and equity)."  [NIFL-FOBASICS:198]
>What stood out overall for me about Ralph's comment is the fact  that three
>types of EFF standards have not been identified, and I think it's really
>important for us to be clear about what type of standards have been 
>by the EFF initiative.  So far, the EFF inititiative has produced a set of
>EFF Content standards and a framework for the standards. The  EFF 
>standards and assessment framework for the standards are still in the 
>of being developed.  As for the third set of "EFF standards identified"
>mentioned by Ralph, I don't know of any efforts underway to develop EFF
>opportunity-to-learn standards (although plans may exist.)
>Having said this, I'd like to thank Janet Isserlis for noting that the
>NIFL-FOBASICS listserv is "a place where we can delve more deeply into an
>understanding of how research informs [in this case] the development and
>implementation of standards and that the NLA listserv is a place to try to
>struggle through policy implications..." [NIFL-FOBASICS:196]
>For a place to struggle through issues related to EFF implementation, I 
>everyone will remember NIFL-4EFF, the listserv devoted to discussing the
>practical uses of EFF.   FOBASICS members have raised some excellent
>questions here regarding EFF ( e.g., what EFF will turn into, who actually
>benefits from using EFF, or what EFF will turn us into) that I hope you 
>(again) to the NIFL-4EFF list.
>To subscribe to the NIFL-4EFF listserv , a place to electronically share
>ideas and questions with other colleagues experimenting with EFF, go to:
><http://www.nifl.gov/forums.html>  If you are interested to read about
>others' exploration of EFF, I hope you will visit the EFF web site, join 
>NIFL-4EFF listserv, and read the 4EFF archives.  For more information about
>the EFF standards and system reform initiative, and to keep current on the
>latest EFF materials, be sure to visit EFF on the Internet:
>< www.http://www.nifl.gov/lincs/collections/eff/eff.html>
>Ronna Spacone
>NIFL-4EFF List Facilitator
>Phone: 703-228-8024
>P.S. Early in the year 2000, the National Institute for Literacy will 
>the "Equipped for the Future Content Standards: What Adults Need to Know 
>Be Able to Do in the 21st Century."  This "guided tour" includes 
>that will assist teachers and programs in using the EFF Framework of 
>and Roles as well as the 16 EFF Content Standards for instruction and
>assessment. Information about getting the user's guide to EFF Content
>Standards will be available on the EFF list and web site.

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