From: Nancy H. Poteet (npoteet@acadia.net)
Date: Mon Oct 04 1999 - 21:46:27 EDT

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You've probably heard long ago that Riverside Publishing Co., which you can
get to easily from any sezrch engine on the internet, is a major publisher
of reading assessments.

At 07:26 PM 9/29/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello, all.
>I work for the state of Georgia's Department of Technical and Adult
>Education, Office of Adult Literacy (GDTAEOAL). We're looking to contact the
>publishers of assessment tools, especially the TABE, ABLE, BEST, ESLOA, and
>LAB. I've contacted LVA about ESLOA and CAL about BEST, and I think TABE is
>published by McGraw-Hill. (Now I'm drowning in acronyms!)
>We'd like to work with the providers of these assessment tools in training
>our practitioners.
>Could anyone please provide the contact names, addresses, and/or phone
>numbers for the folks who publish these assessment tools? Or, is there a
>clearinghouse that might provide this info?
>Any help would be greatly 'preciated.
>Preston Coleman
>Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education, Office of Adult
>Literacy (GDTAEOAL)

Nancy H. Poteet
RR 1, Box 1260	
Bar Harbor ME 04609
phone: 207-288-3227
FAX:   207-288-5652

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