From: Coleman, Preston (pcoleman@dtae.org)
Date: Wed Sep 29 1999 - 19:27:12 EDT

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From: "Coleman, Preston" <pcoleman@dtae.org>
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Hello, all.
I work for the state of Georgia's Department of Technical and Adult
Education, Office of Adult Literacy (GDTAEOAL). We're looking to contact the
publishers of assessment tools, especially the TABE, ABLE, BEST, ESLOA, and
LAB. I've contacted LVA about ESLOA and CAL about BEST, and I think TABE is
published by McGraw-Hill. (Now I'm drowning in acronyms!)
We'd like to work with the providers of these assessment tools in training
our practitioners.
Could anyone please provide the contact names, addresses, and/or phone
numbers for the folks who publish these assessment tools? Or, is there a
clearinghouse that might provide this info?

Any help would be greatly 'preciated.

Preston Coleman
Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education, Office of Adult
Literacy (GDTAEOAL)

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