[NIFL-FOBASICS:104] Re: Curriculum Materials

From: annette (annette_b@earthlink.net)
Date: Wed Jun 23 1999 - 14:24:47 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:104] Re: Curriculum Materials
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I'm interested in the material called "I Never Wrote a Letter
Because..."  We did receive your alphabet book.
Thank you very much!
Annette Boken
San Jose Public Library
180 W. San Carlos
San Jose, CA  95113

Barbara Garner wrote:
> This message is cross-posted from the NLA list serve. I think that
> information on curriculum materials is appropriate for the Focus on
> Basics list (if you disagree, let us know)
>   Please post inquiries to Leslie at
> <leslie238@earthlink.net>.  If you know of other ways
> that Leslie might  get this information to a broad literacy
> audience,
> please let her know.  Thanks,
> Barbara Garner,
> list moderator
> Hi all,
> I'm the director of the Oakland Public Library Literacy Program,
> Second
> Start and I'd like to make list members aware of some of the
> curriculum
> materials we've been developing and would like to share.
> So, here goes, a short message about curriculum materials. Oakland
> Public Library developed the Oakland Readers series of literacy
> books
> based on the oral histories of our adult learners. This series has
> been
> picked up by New Reader Press. In the same spirit of developing
> materials based on learners lives, interests and input, we have
> several
> new pieces as follows:
>         1. A is for Adult: An Alphabet Book for Adults (basic alphabet
> book
> with alphabet letters, quotes, pictures of learners, plus alphabet
> activities and puzzles)
>         2. From Scratch: Making Art, Making Literacy (a ten-lesson
> curriculum
> of literacy-based art lessons, with illustrations of student work
> and
> student quotes)
>         3. I Never Wrote a Letter Because...Letter-Writing for the
> Beginning or
> Reluctant Writer (a letter-writing curriculum using learner produced
> letters and stories) available in late July
>         4. Women of Oakland (oral histories of women in the Oakland
> literacy
> program edited on two basic reading levels--1-2 level and 3-4 level)
>         We feel strongly that these materials need to see a wider
> audience,
> thus we will be glad to give one complimentary copy of each  book to
> literacy professionals who are interested. I believe that this is a
> different and creative approach to curriculum development, and I
> suspect
> that many of you out there are also producing or digging up
> materials
> that the rest of us would like to hear about.
>         Perhaps a curriculum development listserv in the future?
>         Thanks for the time and space.
> Leslie McGinnis
> Supervising Librarian
> Oakland Public Library
> 1330 Broadway #555
> Oakland, CA 94612
> 510-238-6932

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