[NIFL-FOBASICS:10] re: skills matrices

From: Mkenned99@aol.com
Date: Wed Feb 24 1999 - 00:46:39 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:10] re: skills matrices
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Dear Barbara-
Thank you for your response.  (I hope the abyss wasn't caused by my email
site; I will re-subscribe from AOL.)  In your message you said  >>it may help
us if you can
clarify a bit more what you are looking for.<<

My goal is to facilitate a mini-workshop at the Valparaiso University Social
Work Conference introducing community practitioners who work with families to
adult development theory. The notion of "developmentally appropriate practice"
with adults is unheard of at least at the level of service delivery in which I
currently practice -- and it seems to me to be critical at this level!  I am
familiar with Robert Kegan's subject-object theory and love the metaphor that
many of us are "in over our heads."  It is this idea that I want to share with
collegues in the hopes that it will spark interest in further inquiry.  The
TLP article and "Working Together" matrix are very accessable and make my
planning much simpler .  But since my audience will be counselors and social
workers who work with parents of "at-risk" children, I was hoping there was a
matrix of developmental perspectives on parenting or family therapy.  What's
already published in FOB is certainly adaptable, but if Nancy Popp, et al.,
have a parenting or family therapy matrix I would be grateful! 

FOB, NCSALL, NIFL, World Learning -- all of it, everyone, will be referenced.
What a goldmine!  Again, thanks for your response. 

Mary Kennedy, mkenned99@aol.com
Family & Youth Services Bureau of Porter County, Inc.

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