[NIFL-FOBASICS:9] Re: Skills Matrices

From: Barbara Garner (Barbara_Garner@jsi.com)
Date: Tue Feb 23 1999 - 12:11:39 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:9] Re: Skills Matrices
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A few days ago, Mary Kennedy posted the message below. 
As moderator of the list, I attempted to post a response and got
caught in a technological abyss from which I think I have finally
My response to Mary follows her message.
Hello.  My name is Mary Kennedy.  Currently I run a parent education
at a small, private non-profit agency for families referred by county
protective services in Valparaiso, Indiana.

Very recently I offered to present at a local conference for a varied
group of
regional professionals who work with children on youth service
delivery.  My
tentative session title is "A bridge must be well anchored on either
Developmental perspectives on parent education and family therapy."
permission, of course!) I just found NCSALL and FOB and the piece
transformational learning yesterday (only got a computer just a month
The skills matrix in the TLP article and the "Understanding" boxes
are really
nice, and with permission I would like to use them to help a group of
"dissect" the ever-popular "I-statements and You Messages" and
Meetings" so many of us tell our clientele they should be practicing
-- or any
other "skills" we as a group identify. The query is, have you skills
for either of the above?  

Any other comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Mary Kennedy


You're very welcome to use FOCUS ON BASICS articles (and therefore,
the skills matrices we published) in your presentation. We only ask
that, somewhere on the materials you acknowledge the source. If you
had room to put contact information, all the better! 

You asked for additional skills matrices. Someone from the writing
team will address that question, but it may help us if you can
 a bit more what you are looking for. 

Good luck with your presentation, and let us know what the key
of discussion turn out to be.

Barbara Garner
World Education
44 Farnsworth Street
Boston, MA  02210

phone (617) 482-9485 x 501
fax (617) 482-0617
e-mail Barbara_Garner@worlded.org 

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