[NIFL-FOBASICS:1411] Measuring Literacy

From: Barbara Garner (b.garner4@verizon.net)
Date: Wed Jun 15 2005 - 07:15:48 EDT

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The Assessment list has asked me to post this information about the
discussion that will be occurring soon on their list---Barb

To subscribe to the following discussion, go to:
and click on Subscribe in the left toolbar (you must also unsubscribe
Please join the NIFL-Assessment Discussion List for a conversation on
Measuring Literacy:  Performance Levels for Adults, Interim Report
Date:  June 20 - 24
Principle Guests:   Judy Koenig and Stuart Elliot, Project Directors
The Full Committee will also be joining us as observers; their comments and
insights are welcomed.
Full Committee Members:
Chris Edley, University of California at Berkeley, School of Law Bob Hauser,
University of Wisconsin at Madison Judy Alamprese, ABT Associates, USA
Michael Delli Carpini, University of Pennsylvania Vivian Gadsden, University
of Pennsylvania Andy Hartman, Classroom Teacher, formerly with Bell Policy
Center Glynda Hull, University of California at Berkeley Rebecca Maynard,
University of Pennsylvania Lorraine McDonnell, National Academy of Sciences,
Washington DC Larry Mikulecky, Indiana University Bob Mislevy, University of
Maryland Norm Peterson, SPR Center, Minneapolis John Poggio, University of
Kansas Rima Rudd, Harvard University Mary Jane Schmitt, TERC, Cambridge, MA
Heide Wrigley, Aguirre International, CA and Washington DC Dave Thissen,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Suggested preparations for this discussion:
This Interim Report can be read on-line at:
Our discussion guests are interested in sharing their thoughts on the
Interim Report, providing clarification to the field on information
contained in the Report, and entertaining your questions and comments,
particularly in the following areas:
*	Questions concerning the lowest and the highest categories of
the literacy levels; specifically, questions concerning the difference
between the Non-Literacy in English and Below Basic categories, and
comparing the percentages of folks falling within these categories between
the 1992 survey and the 2003 survey;
*	An explanation of the Bookmark Standard-Setting Procedure that
was utilized in the study;
*	An explanation of the Quasi Contrasting Groups Procedure, that
was utilized to adjust the cut scores;
*	Why the Committee chose not to determine a level of performance
as "necessary" or "sufficient" for effectively functioning in life; as an
example of this, note that the terms used to label the levels are purely
descriptive, rather than indicating a particular judgment about that level;
*	An explanation of how the Committee's process differed from the
original process for determining the levels and cut scores for the 1992
*	The recommendations that the Committee puts forth based on its
Please note that the Final Report is due out in the Fall of this year; the
differences between the Interim and Final Reports will be
*	the application of the performance levels and cut scores to the
2003 data, and 
*	the reporting of the percentages of adults in each level based
on the 2003 results.
Please join us!
marie cora
Moderator, NIFL Assessment Discussion List, and Coordinator/Developer LINCS
Assessment Special Collection at

Barbara Garner
phone: (781) 784-4489

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