[NIFL-FOBASICS:1329] VALUE Meeting in DC

From: Barbara Garner (b.garner4@verizon.net)
Date: Mon Mar 21 2005 - 16:15:05 EST

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Thought you might be interested...Barb Garner

News Release
March 16, 2005

Media Contact: Chip Ridgewood, (610) 876-7625 or office@valueusa.org

Adult Learners School Legislators on Adult Education

On March 9 and 10, adult learners from 25 states plus the District of
Columbia and Guam met with Senators and Congresspersons to educate them
about the life-changing importance of adult education. These meetings were
part of the civics education portion of VALUE's Fourth Biannual National
Adult Learner Leadership Institute, held March 8-10 in Washington, DC. In
total, adult learners personally talked with 5 Senators and 6
Representatives. Adult learners talked with staff of of an additional 15
Senators and 21 Congresspersons.
During one meeting, Rep. George Miller (D-CA-07), ranking minority member of
the Committee on Education and the Workforce told his constituent and VALUE
board member Faye Combs that he would sponsor a Dear Colleague letter to the
House Appropriations Committee opposing a 66% cut in adult education
fund-ing included in the Administration's 2006 budget request.

Marty Finsterbusch, VALUE's Executive Director said "This is what we did in
just 48 hours. Imagine what adult learners from all 50 states can accomplish
in a sustained effort to personally validate the impact of adult basic
education on their lives and their families." Finsterbusch added, "This
Leadership Institute makes it possible for adult learner leaders and their
legislators to learn from each other in the very place were literacy policy
is made. It's an unparalleled civics education experience."

More than one hundred adult learner leaders from twenty-five states and two
dozen literacy program staff attended this Institute. Events included
receptions on Capitol Hill for House and Senate members and a banquet at the
Library of Congress, which was hosted by the Library's Center for the Book. 
Adult learner leaders also took part in civics education and leadership
skill-building workshops.

During this Institute, VALUE presented two awards. Verizon was recognized
for its long-standing corporate commitment to the field of adult basic
education and literacy. Laura Calderon, an adult learner leader from the
Glades Tri-City Family Education Program and the Palm Beach County Literacy
Coalition in Delray Beach, Florida received the Susan Green Award. This
award is given biannually to an adult learner leader who exemplifies Susan
Green's qualities of seeing the best in other people and reaching out to
help them pursue their own literacy leader objectives.

VALUE expressed its appreciation to the organizations that partnered with
VALUE for this Leadership Institute. They include: D.C. LEARNs, Inc,
Washington's city-wide literacy coalition; the D.C. Public Library's Adult
Literacy Resource Center; the Southeast Professional Development Center in
Lancaster-Lebanon, Pennsylvania; the National Adult Education Professional
Development Consortium; and the American Library Association's Office of
Outreach and Literacy Services.

VALUE, Inc. is a national nonprofit organization governed and operated by
the alumni of adult basic education programs in the United States. Its
mission is to strengthen adult education programs in the U.S. through
learner involvement and leadership. VALUE is founded on the belief that
input from current and former adult learners can help the literacy field
improve recruitment, retention, curriculum reform, research, and resource
development. For more information on the organization, visit

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