[NIFL-FOBASICS:631] Re: Response to "Trauma and Adult Learning"

From: Art LaChance (arthur@ellijay.com)
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 15:53:56 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:631] Re: Response to "Trauma and Adult Learning"
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Have you discussed this on any other list, like the ld list?  To what
degree are Laura Weisel's thoughts on this issue being received?

Curious in Ellijay.


Anne Murr wrote:

> Another prevalent trauma for adults in basic education classes is the
> emotional abuse they suffered in school because of their learning
> difficulties. These memories cause blocks to learning in their
> present setting.  I'm angry because it's not their fault that they
> didn't learn.  They simply were not taught in a way in which they
> could (and can now) learn.  There is injustice in their experiences.
> Their traumas include being made fun of, being required to read aloud
> and feeling that they made fools of themselves, being made to feel
> it's their fault for not learning, being told is so many different
> ways that they are stupid, suffering the anger of the frustrated
> teacher, suffering abuse from frustrated parent, etc, etc.  You've
> heard the stories too.  The result is a litany of negative messages
> which must be "reprogrammed" before learning in the present can occur.
> Laura Weisel calls emotions the prerequisite for learning.  As
> educators, we are not therapists, but we can help our students
> "reprogram" with positive messages as simple as "I can learn, I am
> learning, I will do my best now."
> What other ways do you address this issue?
> --
> Anne Murr, Coordinator
> Adult Literacy Center
> School of Education
> Drake University
> 3206 University Ave.
> Des Moines, IA 50311
> anne.murr@drake.edu
>    Tel 515-271-3982
>    Fax 515-271-4544

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