[NIFL-FOBASICS:602] ALT Announcement

From: JALEH.BEHROOZI@nifl.gov
Date: Thu Oct 03 2002 - 13:17:37 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:602] ALT Announcement
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The Adult Literacy and Technology Network is pleased to announce a strand 
of workshops and sessions to be presented as part of the 2002 AAACE 

The conference will be held in St. Louis November 19 through the 23rd. 
For more information please see the AAACE conference site at 
http://www.aaace.org/conferences/ . 

There will be several pre-conference workshops with a cost of $50.00 
each on the following topics: 

  - Multimedia Learning Resources 
  - Locating and using Internet resources 
  - Web Development 
  - Multi Media Resources in the Classroom 
  - Distance Collaboration 
  - Demonstrations and updates on several major technology initiatives 

For a complete list and schedule, please see 

ALT will also have a strand throughout the rest of the AAACE conference 
beginning with sessions on  Thursday. These are conference sessions and 
separate from the pre-conference. Registration for the AAACE conference is 
required to attend these sessions. 

Conference sessions will cover topics such as: 

  - Trends in Adult Education & Technology 
  - Community Technology Centers 
  - Using Multi-Media in instruction 
  - PowerPath 
  - Evaluating impact of a Web site 
  - Copyright issues online 
  - Web Portfolios 
  - And more 

The tentative schedule can be found below, or see the official 
conference program available soon at http://www.aaace.org/conferences/ . 

Thursday, Nov. 21 

1.      10:30   John Fleischman -- 
                Trends in Adult Education & Technology 
2.      1:30    Richard Sparks -- 
                Community Technology Centers of the Northwest 
3.      2:30    Jere Johnston, Nicki Askov -- 
                Distance Learning with ABE, GED & ESL Learners: Lessons 
                from the Field 
4.      3:30    Margaret Cain -- 
                Using Student Multimedia to Tell Stories of Diversity, 
                Address Controversial Issues, 
                and Teach Technology Skills 
5.      4:30    Laura Weisel, Karen Hibbert -- 
                PowerPath to Adult Basic Learning 

Friday, Nov. 22 

6.      10:30   Dale Lipschultz -- 
                Evaluating the Impact of Educational and Non-profit Web Sites 
7.      1:30    Kim McCoy -- 
                Are You Guilty Of? (Copyright Issues on the Internet) 
8.      2:30    Mey Miller -- 
                WE LEARN: Finding Women's Literacy Power Through Women 
                Centered Literacy Materials 
9.      3:30    Erica Botch, Linnette Tinler, Lori Brito -- 
                How to Improve ABLE Programs and Student Success Through 
                Inclusion on Basic Computer Literacy 
10.     4:30    Doug Prybylski -- 
                Using Video Tape to Prepare Students for the 2002 GED Test 

Saturday, Nov. 23 

11.     9:00    Sarah Kowal -- 
                Harnessing the Power of Personal Narrative 
12.     10:30   Tim Collins -- 
                Teaching Adult ESL Learners Technology Skills 
13.     1:30    David Collings -- 
                PBS LiteracyLink:  Learner-centered Web Portfolios, 
                Videos, and Workbooks 

We would also like to thank David Collings and John Fleischman for their 
work in making these sessions possible. 

Thank you, and we hope to see you there! 

Ginny Heinrich 
Tim Ponder 
Co-chairs, Adult Literacy and Technology Network 

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