[NIFL-FOBASICS:515] New publications from ERIC/ACVE

From: Judy Wagner (jwagner@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 08:14:33 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:515] New publications from ERIC/ACVE
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The ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education has 
developed three new Trends and Issues Alerts.

"Vocational Rehabilitation" (#31) by Michael E. Wonacott  identifies 
important issues and trends in VR that can affect the relationship between 
VR and the One-Stop system including differing definitions of disability 
and eligibility for services, availability and appropriate use of services 
and resources from all partners, and consumer choice in selecting One-Stop 

"Somatic/Embodies Learning and Adult Education" (#32) by Sandra Kerka 
provides insights from sociology, dance, nursing, and adult education for 
using somatic approaches to learning.

"Accelerated Learning in Adult Education and Training and Development" 
(#33) by Susan Imel examines some of the trends and issues
associated with accelerated learning, including the different ways the term 
is defined.

They have already been posted to the ERICACVE listserv 
(http://ericacve.org/listserv.asp) and are available at no cost as an 
e-mail message, a PDF attachment, or in paper. They will be on our website 
(http://ericacve.org) within a week.

Please send your request to ericacve@postbox.acs.ohio-state.edu and 
indicate which format you prefer. If you want paper copies, be sure to 
include your mailing address.


Judy Wagner  /   wagner.6@osu.edu  /  ericacve.org/
ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education
1900 Kenny Road  /  Columbus OH 43210-1090 USA
614/292-8625; 800/848-4815 (ext 2-8625);  FAX: 614/292-1260
TTY/TDD: 614/688-8734

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