[NIFL-FOBASICS:494] Re: New Topics

From: Anne Murr (anne.murr@DRAKE.EDU)
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 17:14:10 EST

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Subject: [NIFL-FOBASICS:494] Re: New Topics
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Another topic I would like to see addressed is emotional blocks to learning.

A tutor just communicated this to me:
"I believe that emotional barriers that learning adults bring to 
their tutoring sessions should be dealt with separately from the 
instruction itself. Tutors largely are not equipped to deal with 
these issues. While the way a student feels about his/her disability 
cannot be separated from his/her instruction, I don't believe it can 
be largely within the mission of a tutor to deal with the former."

He's right.  But literacy programs do need to find ways to address 
emotional blocks to learning.

Replacing the "I'm dumb", "I guess I wasn't meant to read",  "I'll 
never get this", messages and thoughts adults bring to the current 
learning situation is not an easy process.  Most students have had 
emotionally damaging experiences in school because of their reading 
failure.  Children, and sometimes teachers, can be cruel. It's not 
their fault they couldn't learn to read, but they believe it is.  The 
emotional effects of  learning failure does affect a student's 
ability to learn now.

How best can we help the student make changes to support their 
current learning?


>Two issues of Focus on Basics are in the works: 1) Literacy and Health
>and 2) Staff Development.
>What's next? I'm not sure. What would you like to see in upcoming
>Barb Garner
>Barbara Garner              
>World Education             (617) 482-9485    
>44 Farnsworth Street       fax (617) 482-0617
>Boston, MA  02210
>email address: Barbara_Garner@worlded.org
>ncsall web site:  http://ncsall.gse.harvard.edu

Anne Murr, Coordinator
Adult Literacy Center
School of Education
Drake University
3206 University Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50311
   Tel 515-271-3982
   Fax 515-271-4544

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