MMS OCS Region:

Gulf of Mexico


A Collaborative Investigation of Baseline and Scenario Information for Environmental Impact Statements (GM 92-42-97)

Planning Area:


Total Cost:  $390,155

Period of Performance:  FY 2003-2008 

Conducting Organization:

Center for Energy Studies, Louisiana State University

MMS Contact:

Kristen L. Strellec


Background:  The MMS prepares an Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) to cover five years of proposed lease sales in the Central and Western Gulf of Mexico and another EIS to cover five years of proposed lease sales in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. The EIS’s analyze the offshore and onshore impacts of a typical lease sale and of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) program over the forty-year life of the lease sale. As part of the EIS, analysts describe the affected environment (physical environment, biological resources, and socioeconomic activities) and how it has changed (or not) since the last EIS was written. Analysts then construct scenarios for each of these factors over the forty-year period. Lastly, the environmental impacts of the proposed lease sale and OCS program on these factors are estimated.

Objectives:  This study will entail the principle investigators (PI) to work closely with MMS’s Leasing and Environment (LE) department (which prepares the EIS’s) to produce a plan for updating baseline and scenario information in the next EIS’s.

Methods:  This study will be conducted in two different phases over a three-year period. Phase 1 of the project, which spans year one, will be dedicated to project development. The PI’s will identify data needs by:

  • reviewing each section of the current EIS’s
  • discussing each section with the relevant subject matter expert (SME) (biologists, economists, etc.).

After identifying data requirements for each section, the PI’s will work with the SME’s to determine and document which data can be updated through in-place agency processes and which can not. The PI’s and SME’s will then identify the sources, processes, and methodologies necessary to acquire non-in-place data.

Phase 2 of the project, years two through three, will be dedicated to acquiring the non-in-place data through an Offshore Researchers Collaborative Process (or Collaborative). The Collaborative will bring together, in a meeting format, industry, government, academic researchers, and analysts. Separate groups will be designated, and directed by the PI’s to address each major EIS section with data collection, analysis, and commentary.

Products:  The following are the deliverables for this project:

  1. Quarterly reports during project duration that details progress and findings.
  2. Listing of contact information and reference list for all collaborative team members.
  3. Phase 1 Report that would include outline of materials used in EIS, current state of citation, and possible updated.
  4. Inventory of collected information during course of project.
  5. Collaborative meeting minutes and handout materials.
  6. Ongoing spreadsheets on quantitative data as they become available.
  7. Updated bibliographies on subject matter areas that are needed for the EIS.
  8. Documented "Blue Book" on generalized assumptions used in the EIS process.

Importance to MMS:  The MMS is required by the National Environmental Policy Act to document the environmental and socioeconomic effects of the OCS program. The Collaborative method will bring together all of the integral parties to discuss information needs and data collection. This process will lead to a better relationship with industry and a more holistic approach to meeting MMS’s data needs for EIS impact analysis.

Current Status:  MMS has received and commented on draft reports of several industry sectors, including drilling contractors, water transportation, geophysical services, underwater contracting services (diving and ROV), workover services, and air transportation. MMS anticipates extending the performance time and receiving a draft in August.

Final Report Due:

May 2008



Affiliated WWW Sites:

Coastal Marine Institute

Revised date:

March 2008


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