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About NASS
R. Ronald Bosecker, Administrator

Carol C. House,
Deputy Administrator for Programs and Products; Chair, Agricultural Statistics Board

Carol House is the Deputy Administrator for Programs and Products, Chair of the Agricultural Statistics Board for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). She was appointed to this position in 2005. Prior to this appointment, she served as the Associate Administrator of NASS.

House began her career with NASS in 1976. Since then, she has worked in and led various divisions and branches throughout the agency, including the Statistical Sampling Branch, the Survey Management Division and the Research and Development Division.

House attended graduate school in mathematics and statistics at the University of Maryland and attended Auburn University as an undergraduate. She is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. A native Floridian, she lives with her husband, Bob, in Alexandria, Virginia. They have one daughter, Lauren, who is a designer in Boston, Massachusetts.

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