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About NASS
R. Ronald Bosecker, Administrator

Hubert Hamer, Jr.,
Associate Deputy Administrator for Field Operations

Hubert Hamer is the Associate Deputy Administrator for Field Operations for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), overseeing the Northeastern and Southern Areas as well as Training and Career Development.

Hamer began his career with NASS as an agricultural statistician in the Louisiana Field Office and later worked in the Illinois Field Office before moving to headquarters in 1990.

In December 1993, Hamer was selected to participate in the Office of Personnel Management’s Executive Potential Program. Highlights from the program include working on the Secretary of Agriculture’s staff and gaining experience as a Senate Fellow on the Senate Budget Committee. Upon completion of his training, he worked briefly as Assistant to the Director of Statistics Division before being selected Deputy Branch Chief for the Data Collection Branch.

In 1997, Hamer was selected as the eighth State Director to lead the Missouri Field Office. During his tenure as State Director, he completed the USDA’s Senior Executive Candidate Development Program and received his SES appointment in 2000.

Hamer was born on a small livestock and row crop farm in Benton County, Mississippi. He and his family moved to west Tennessee in 1973. Hamer graduated from Tennessee State University in 1980 with a degree in Rural Development. He and his wife, Wanda, are the proud parents of three children.

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