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About NASS
R. Ronald Bosecker, Administrator

Robert T. Bass
Director, Census and Survey Division

Robert T. Bass brings 30 years of experience in agricultural statistics to his position as Director of the Census and Survey Division for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).

After growing up on a small peanut, corn and hog operation in eastern North Carolina, Bass began his career with NASS as a student trainee in the North Carolina office while completing his Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics at North Carolina State University. After graduation, he began his full-time career with NASS in the Tennessee Field Office and later moved to the Texas Field Office. He then earned a Master's degree in Survey Methodology in a NASS-sponsored program at the University of Michigan.

Bass then spent six years at NASS Headquarters as National Administrator of the Agricultural Survey Program. He then returned to the field, serving as State Director in Virginia and then in Georgia. In 1999, he returned to Washington to lead the newly created Marketing and Information Services Office. Bass was later selected as Associate Deputy Administrator for Field Operations.

In addition to domestic assignments, Bass has also participated in projects providing technical assistance to Egypt and Bulgaria.

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