United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Common Resource Area (CRA) Geographic Database

In cooperation with all Deputy Areas, the National Soil Survey Center is coordinating the development of a digital Common Resource Area (CRA) map for the Nation. This national map is an important component of a new initiative to develop guidance documents for Section III of the electronic Field Office Technical Guide (eFOTG). The digital CRA map will provide map-based web access to the eFOTG and CRA specific guidance documents, conservation plans and resource management systems, making this valuable information easily accessible to NRCS clients, partners, and technical service providers (GM 450 C 401).

A CRA is a geographical area where resource concerns, problems, or treatment needs are similar. It is considered a subdivision of an existing Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) region map delineation or polygon. Landscape conditions, soil, climate, human considerations, and other natural resource information are used to determine the geographical boundaries of the common resource area (GM 450 C 401.21). The CRA naming convention is the MLRA symbol followed by a dot and a numeric code (for example 102C.3 or 72.6). The National CRA Map will be developed at a 1:250,000 scale with the same joined MLRA and CRA symbols shared among states. CRA polygons also geographically nest within MLRA regions and have short descriptive narratives.

See http://soils.usda.gov/technical/instructions/ for National Instructions 430-303 for guidance in developing of the Common Resource Area Geographic Database. Your contacts are Dr. Robert Ahrens, Director NRCS National Soil Survey Center, at 402-437-5389, or bob.ahrens@usda.gov and Sharon W. Waltman NRCS soil scientist, at 402-437-4007 or sharon.waltman@usda.gov.