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Electric Programs >> Interest Rates >> Historical Treasury Interest Rates

Historical Treasury Rates

The following chart may be helpful in viewing general historic trends for both Treasury Rate loans as well as Federal Financing Bank (FFB) loans. Note that FFB rates are based upon Treasury rates. (An adjustment is necessary, since FFB funds are amortized over the loan period rather than paid at the final maturity date as a "bullet" or single payment in the case of Treasury securities.)

Graph of Treasury Interest Rates (January 2000 through September 18, 2008).  Data is available in an Excel file.  Link is beneath the graph.

This chart is based on the historical daily Treasury constant maturity rates available from the Federal Reserve Bank. Charts for other maturities, as well as the rates on which the charts are based, are available in an Excel file.  (This file is approximately 5.0 M.)

Please contact Howard Barnes, Southern Regional Division General Field Representative, if you have questions concerning this page.

Updated 9/22/2008

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