R -- A-76 Streamlined Cost Comparison Study for NCTR Administrative Support

Solicitation Number: A_76_NCTR_Administrative_Support
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services
Office: Food and Drug Administration
Location: Office of Acquisitions and Grants Services
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Special Notice
Added: Sep 19, 2008 8:05 pm
R -- A-76 Streamlined Cost Comparison Study for NCTR Administrative Support

Solicitation Number:

Agency: Department of Health and Human Services

Office: Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Location: Jefferson, AR

This is an announcement of an US HHS/FDA National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) streamlined competition. FDA is conducting a streamlined competition in accordance with OMB Circular A-76, dated May 29, 2003. This A-76 cost comparison study will examine the possibility of converting Government "in-house" operations to contractor operations. A cost comparison to determine the feasibility and economy of converting the following services and related functions performed by Government personnel to contract performance will be conducted.

The competition will include those services that are currently performed in Jefferson, AR. Services being competed include general analytical and administrative support activities. Typical functions to be performed include document and correspondence preparation, communications, meeting support, budget support, office automation, timekeeping, office support and special projects. Approximately 10 Full Time Equivalent positions are affected by this competition.

The Competitive Sourcing Official for HHS is Dr. Edward Sontag, HHS. The CSO-designee for FDA is Joe Ellis. Jeanne Anson is the Agency Tender Official. The FDA Contracting Officer is Patricia Pemberton, patricia.pemberton@fda.hhs.gov.

This is not a request for proposals and in no way obligates the Government to award a contract. Prospective offerors are advised that a solicitation will not be issued if the cost of contract performance is determined to be greater than the cost of in-house performance by Government personnel. No solicitation exists at this time. The solicitation will be made available on the Federal Business Opportunities if and when it is released. The projected end date is on or before January 30, 2008.


5630 Fishers Lane, Room 2129
Rockville, Maryland 20857-0001
Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Office of Acquisitions and Grants Services,
Rockville, Maryland 20857
United States
Dominique H Malone
Phone: (301) 827-7227
Patricia M Pemberton,
Contracting Officer
Phone: 301-827-1022
Fax: 301-827-7106