Scientific Areas of Integrated Review Groups (IRGs)

For a listing of the Scientific Review Officer and membership roster for each study section, click on the study section roster under the study section name within an IRG listed below or go to the study section index (study sections listed alphabetically) and click on the specified roster next to the name of the study section.

Emerging Technologies and Training in Neurosciences IRG [ETTN]

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[MNG Roster]


The Molecular Neurogenetics study section (MNG) reviews grant applications that focus on applying molecular genetic approaches to studies conducted in a neuroscience context. While this is a multidisciplinary area, the expectation is that projects will always have potential examination of a neuroscience question, although they may not be hypothesis-driven in initial stages.


Specific areas include:


  • Molecular genetics underlying neural function, neurodegeneration, addiction, and behavior
  • Epigenetic regulation of neural gene expression, including chromatin remodeling
  • Technologies for studying translational and transcriptional regulation in a neuronal context
  • Imaging and sensing of gene expression in neurons and glia
  • Methods for delivery of exogenous genes and silencers to specific neurons
  • Analysis and refinement of neuronal phenotypes
  • Neurogenetic variation in humans and model systems


The MNG study section has the following shared interests within the ETTN IRG:


With the NT study section: Imaging is an area of shared interest. Applications focused on imaging technology as applied to neurosystems could be reviewed by NT. Those with emphasis on molecular genetics could be reviewed in MNG.


The MNG study section has the following shared interests outside the ETTN IRG:


With the Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies IRG (BST): Applications on gene delivery are shared interests. If the focus is on the development of technologies, assignment could be to the BST IRG. If the focus is optimization of technologies for use in a neuroscience-context, assignment could be to MNG.


With the Brain Disorders and Clinical Neuroscience IRG (BDCN): Applications on brain disorders and treatment are shared interests. If the focus is a clinical genetic study or a response to drugs in model systems, assignment could be to the BDCN IRG. If the focus is basic genetic mechanisms associated with neural dysfunction, assignment could be to MNG.


With the Genes, Genomics and Genetics IRG (GGG): Multiple shared interests exist between GGG and MNG. Applications on genetic aspects of brain dysfunction are shared interests, particularly for complex traits. If the focus is gene discovery using state of the art approaches such as linkage analysis or association studies, assignment could be to GGG. If the focus is on mechanism of action of candidate gene function or refinement of phenotypes, assignment could be to MNG. In addition, if the focus is obtaining insight into a molecular genetic mechanism that can affect gene function, such as epigenetic phenomena or transcriptional/translational regulation, assignment to GGG may be appropriate. If the focus is the mechanism of action of genes affecting a particular neurological phenotype, then MNG may be appropriate. Applications on gene therapeutics are also a shared interest. If the focus is on multi-organ disease, then assignment to GGG may be appropriate. If the focus is the neural system, then assignment to MNG may be appropriate. 


With the Health of the Population IRG (HOP):  Applications on neural function, neurodegeneration, addiction and behavior are shared interests. If the study is population-based or involves a clinically ascertained study population and the focus is on genetics of neural function, neurodegeneration, addiction, behavior, other conditions, phenotypes or endophenotypes in large samples, assignment to HOP could be appropriate. If the focus is on nonhumans or molecular genetics, assignment to MNG could be appropriate.


With the Integrative, Functional and Cognitive Neuroscience IRG (IFCN): Applications on cognitive function are shared interests. If the focus is an integrative genetic study of cognitive function, assignment to IFCN could be appropriate. If the focus is a study applying emerging genetic technology to cognitive function, assignment to MNG could be appropriate.


With the Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Neuroscience IRG (MDCN): Applications on molecular and cellular neuroscience are shared interests. If the focus is a basic molecular and/or cellular genetic study, assignment to MDCN could be appropriate. If the focus is an emerging genetic technology study, assignment to MNG could be appropriate.


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[NT Roster]


The Neurotechnology study section (NT) reviews grant applications that focus on application of bioengineering, imaging, informatics, and computational approaches to fundamental problems in neuroscience. While this is a multidisciplinary area, the central theme is a neuroscience context. The applications are expected to be non-hypothesis driven in many cases, at least in the initial stages of projects. Topics include but are not limited to:


  • Application of bioengineering approaches to the study and remodeling of the nervous system, including scaffolds for nerve regeneration, controlled release of compounds, and device-neural tissue interfaces
  • Computational and quantitative analyses, simulation, and modeling of the nervous system, especially at molecular and cellular levels
  • Informatics-based study of nervous systems, including database construction, integration, and sharing
  • Imaging-based study of nervous systems, including tools for neuroimaging and analysis using structural and functional magnetic resonance, microscopy, positron emission tomography, etc.


The NT study section has the following shared interests within the ETTN IRG:


With the MNG study section: Imaging is an area of shared interest. Applications focused on imaging technology as applied to neurosystems could be reviewed by NT. Those with emphasis on molecular genetics could be reviewed in MNG.


The NT study section has the following shared interests outside the ETTN IRG:


With the Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes IRG (BBBP): Magnetic resonance imaging is a shared interest. If the focus is use of imaging in the study of biobehavior, assignment could be to BBBP. If the focus is application of imaging technologies for use in brain function studies, assignment could be to NT.


With the Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies IRG (BST): Development of databases, modeling, nanotechnology, and imaging systems are shared interests. If the focus is development of technologies, assignment could be to BST. If the focus is application of technologies for use in a neuroscience-context, assignment could be to NT.


With the Brain Disorders and Clinical Neuroscience IRG (BDCN):  Brain imaging and analyses methods are shared interests.  If the focus is use of imaging for diagnostics, therapeutic evaluation, or pathophysiology, assignment could be to BDCN.  If the focus is application of imaging technologies for use in brain function studies, assignment could be to NT.


With the Health of the Population IRG (HOP):  Neurotechnology is a shared interest. If a bioengineering, imaging, informatics or computational approach is used as a tool in a study that is population-based or involves a clinically ascertained study population or the focus is on health in large samples, assignment to HOP may be appropriate. If an emerging bioengineering, imaging, informatics or computational approach is used, assignment to NT may be appropriate.


With the Integrative, Functional and Cognitive Neuroscience IRG (IFCN): Magnetic resonance imaging and computational approaches are shared interests. If the focus is use of imaging or computational approaches to the study of cognitive function, assignment could be to IFCN. If the focus is optimization of emerging imaging or computational approaches for use in brain function studies, assignment could be to NT.


With the Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Neuroscience IRG (MDCN):  Applications on nerve regeneration and computational modeling are shared interests.  If the focus is on the basic neurobiology of nerve regeneration or modeling, assignment to MDCN could be appropriate.  If the focus is on optimization of methods for examining regeneration or modeling, assignment to NT could be appropriate.


With the Surgical Sciences, Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering IRG (SBIB): Computational, informatics, and imaging approaches are shared interests. If the focus is use of these approaches as in diagnosis, assignment could be to SBIB. If the focus is basic neuroscience, assignment could be to NT.

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Brain Disorders and Related Neuroscience

[Emerging Technologies and Training in Neurosciences [ETTN] Integrated Review Group]

F01 Roster ]

The F01 fellowship study section reviews fellowship applications in the areas covered by the BDCN IRG. The emphasis in F01 is on clinical disorders of the human brain and related mammalian models of disease. Areas reviewed include: clinical neurosciences and disease, neuroplasticity and neurotransmitters, cell death and injury as it applies to neurodegeneration, clinical neuroimmunology and brain tumors, developmental brain disorders, the neural bases of psychopathology and addiction, sleep disorders, genetic basis of central nervous system disorders, and eye disease. The F01 study section reviews studies of in vitro systems, animal models, and patient-oriented research. Examples of specific areas covered are listed below:

  • Stroke/ischemia/central nervous system injury
  • Epilepsy
  • Movement disorders, Parkinson's disease
  • Autism, schizophrenia, models for disorders
  • Central nervous system consequences of drug exposure including abused drugs
  • Alzheimer's disease 
  • Plasticity and recovery 
  • Anterior eye disease
  • Central nervous system tumors
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Behavioral, cognitive and emotional disorders     
  • Pharmacotherapy treatment for substance related disorders

Shared Interests


With F02A (Behavioral Neuroscience) and F02B (Sensory, Motor, and Cognitive Neuroscience): If fellowship applications emphasize studying neural systems without reference to disease, they may be more appropriate for the F02 fellowship study sections. If fellowship applications emphasize studying the systems with reference to a neurological disorder, or a neurological disorder implicated in substance abuse, they may be more appropriate for F01. With respect to the visual system, F01 may be more appropriate for fellowship applications dealing with anterior eye diseases; F02B may be more appropriate for fellowship applications dealing with visual processing and related portions of the brain, eye, and oculomotor system.  


With F03A (Biochemical and Molecular Neuroscience) and F03B (Biophysical and Biochemical Sciences): If fellowship applications emphasize molecular and/or basic mechanisms of neural development and function, or the testing of new chemical entities as possible medications, then assignment to the F03 fellowship study sections may be appropriate; if fellowship applications emphasize disease processes, then assignment to the F01 fellowship study section may be appropriate.


With F05 (Cell Biology and Development) in the area of the anterior eye: Fellowship applications on diseases of the anterior eye may be assigned to F01, while those on basic biology may be assigned as appropriate, e.g., F05 may review fellowship applications on the basic cell biology of the lens.


With F08 (Genes, Genomes and Genetics): when applications are focused on neural mechanisms or disease ETTN may be appropriate. When the focus is on genetic, genomic or molecular genetic mechanisms or emerging methods then F08 in GGG may be appropriate.


With F12A (Cognition, Language and Perception): Fellowship applications concerning language, cognitive or perceptual processes that are primarily behavioral in emphasis may be assigned to F12A. Fellowship applications focus predominantly on anatomical substrates, neurotransmitter, and receptor function related to language, cognitive or perceptual processes related to neural disorders or injury may be assigned to the F01 fellowship study section.


With F12B (Psychopathology, Developmental Disabilities, Stress and Aging): Fellowship applications concerning developmental disabilities, disorders of aging or psychopathology that are primarily behavioral in emphasis may be assigned to F12B. Fellowship applications focus predominantly on anatomical substrates, neurotransmitter, and receptor function in neural disorders or injury may be assigned to the F01 fellowship study section.


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Behavioral Neuroscience

[Emerging Technologies and Training in Neurosciences [ETTN] Integrated Review Group]


[ F02A Roster ]


The F02A study section reviews fellowship applications generally concerned with functions of the limbic system and aimed at furthering our understanding of how the nervous system is organized and functions at an integrative, systems level. Areas reviewed include: studies of the neural basis of emotional and motivational behavior; neurobiological actions of psychoactive drugs and drugs of abuse learning and memory; regulation of neural function, at the systems level, by neuroendocrine and neuroimmune influences; the analysis of system function under varying behavioral states, such as sleep and hibernation; the basis of biological rhythms; the maintenance of homeostasis; neurotoxicology. Examples of specific areas covered are listed below:

  • Emotion and motivation
  • Learning and memory
  • Neuroendocrinology
  • Neuroimmunology
  • Circadian rhythms
  • Neurotoxicology
  • Psychopharmacology

Shared Interests


With F01 (Brain Disorders and Related Neuroscience): Fellowship applications emphasizing those systems with reference to a neurological disorder may be more appropriate for F01.  Fellowship applications emphasizing neural systems without reference to disease may be more appropriate for the F02A fellowship study sections.


With F02B (Sensory, Motor, and Cognitive Neuroscience): Fellowship applications concerned with sensory, motor, and cognitive functions may be assigned to F02B; fellowship applications concerned with functions of the limbic system may be assigned to F02A. 


With F03A (Biochemical and Molecular Neuroscience) and F03B (Biophysical and Biochemical Sciences): Fellowship applications addressing the topics listed above using molecular, cellular, or developmental neuroscience approaches may be appropriate for F03 study sections; fellowship applications addressing the topics listed above using cellular and systems neuroscience approaches may be appropriate for F02A.


With F06 (Endocrinology, Nutritional Metabolism, and Reproductive Sciences): Applications concerning target organs of hormones or focusing primarily on endocrine systems may be assigned to F06; studies in the area of neuroendocrinology focusing on the interactions of hormones with neuronal systems and behavior may be assigned to F02A.


With F10 (Physiology and Pathobiology of Organ Systems): Fellowship applications concerning toxicology of the renal, digestive systems, respiratory, or cardiovascular systems may be appropriate for F10; fellowship applications concerning neurotoxicology may be appropriate for F02A.


With F12A (Cognition, Language and Perception):  Fellowship applications that emphasize biobehavioral and behavioral bases of learning and memory (central, autonomic, neuroendocrine, and/or genetic) may be assigned to F12A. Fellowship applications that focus on learning and memory with emphasis on how the nervous system is organized and functions at an integrative, systems level may be assigned to F02A.


With F12B (Psychopathology, Developmental Disabilities, Stress and Aging):  Fellowship applications that study basic mechanisms underlying affect and stress responses in animals, especially when directly relevant to human mechanisms, may be assigned to F12B. Studies of the role of affect and stress in animal behavior and adaptation may be assigned to F02A. 


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Sensory, Motor, and Cognitive Neuroscience


[Emerging Technologies and Training in Neurosciences [ETTN] Integrated Review Group]

[ F02B Roster ]


The F02B study section reviews fellowship applications in sensory, motor, and cognitive neuroscience research aimed at furthering our understanding of how the nervous system is organized and functions at an integrative, systems level. The emphasis is on understanding normal sensory, motor or sensorimotor function, dysfunction, development, maturation and aging, recovery from injury, and perceptual and sensory perturbations. This study section also reviews fellowship applications on the integration of multisensory information, mechanisms underlying neural coding of complex stimuli and attention and effects on information processing in the nervous system. Examples of specific areas covered are listed below:

  • Attention
  • Motor function
  • Pain
  • Sensorimotor function
  • Somatosensory function
  • Central visual processes

Shared Interests


With F01 (Brain Disorders and Related Neuroscience): If fellowship applications emphasize studying the systems with reference to a neurological disorder, they may be more appropriate for F01.  If fellowship applications emphasize studying neural systems without reference to disease, they may be more appropriate for F02B. With respect to the visual system, F01 may be more appropriate for fellowship applications dealing with anterior eye diseases; F02B may be more appropriate for fellowship applications dealing with visual processing and related portions of the brain, eye, and oculomotor system.


With F02A (Behavioral Neuroscience): Fellowship applications concerned with functions of the limbic system may be assigned to F02A; fellowship applications concerned with sensory, motor, and cognitive functions may be assigned to F02B.


With F03A (Biochemical and Molecular Neuroscience) and F03B (Biophysical and Biochemical Sciences):  Fellowship applications addressing the topics listed above using molecular, cellular, or developmental neuroscience approaches may be appropriate for F03 study sections; fellowship applications addressing the topics listed above using cellular and systems neuroscience approaches may be appropriate for F02B.


With F05 (Cell Biology and Development): Fellowship applications dealing with the biology and diseases of the posterior eye may be assigned to F05; applications dealing with visual processing and related portions of the brain, eye, and extraocular muscle system may be assigned to F02B.


With F12A (Cognition, Language and Perception): Fellowship applications that involve human or non-human studies of language and cognition/perception may be assigned to F12A. Fellowship applications that involve human or non-human research on cognition, communication or the motor processes underlying sound production and gesture may be assigned to F02B.


With F12B (Psychopathology, Developmental Disabilities, Stress and Aging): Fellowship applications that emphasize behavioral mechanisms related to psychopathology, developmental disabilities or disorders of aging may be assigned to F12B.  Fellowship applications that emphasize underlying neural systems in these areas without specific reference to disease may be more appropriate for F02B.


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Biochemical and Molecular Neuroscience


[Emerging Technologies and Training in Neurosciences [ETTN] Integrated Review Group]

F03A Roster ]

The F03A study section reviews fellowship applications on the basic cellular and molecular biology of neuronal, glial, retinal and other excitable cells (including chromaffin cells, neuroendocrine cells and muscle cells); the fundamental mechanisms of neuronal cell function, including those relevant to disease processes; the general mechanisms underlying cell death; the mechanisms underlying the initial formation of, as well as cell specialization and differentiation in the developing nervous system; the mechanisms underlying oscillatory events;  the mechanisms that specify or influence migratory events and the development, aging, and regeneration of neuronal connectivity; and the consequences of exposure to psychoactive drugs on these processes. Examples of specific areas covered, as they relate to neuronal and glial cells, are listed below:  

  • Synaptic plasticity
  • Trafficking
  • Cytoskeleton
  • Progenitor and stem cells
  • Development
  • Differentiation
  • Axon outgrowth
  • Regeneration
  • Glial biology/inflammation
  • Myelination
  • Circadian mechanisms
  • Degeneration/apoptosis

Shared Interests


With F01 (Brain Disorders and Related Neuroscience) in the areas of neurodegenerative diseases and inflammation: If fellowship applications emphasize disease processes, then assignment to the F01 fellowship study section may be appropriate.  If fellowship applications emphasize biochemical and molecular or cellular approaches, then assignment to the F03 fellowship study sections may be appropriate.


With F02A (Behavioral Neuroscience), in the areas of neuroimmunology and circadian rhythms: Fellowship applications emphasizing systems approaches may be assigned to F02A; fellowship applications emphasizing biochemical and molecular or cellular approaches may be assigned to F03A.


With F02B (Sensory, Motor, and Cognitive Neuroscience), in the area of vision: Studies of integrated circuits, systems, and behavior may be appropriate for F02B; studies of signal transduction and related processes that occur at the single cell level with emphasis on cell electrophysiology, molecular biophysics, and neurochemical pathways may be appropriate for F03A.


With F03B (Biophysical and Physiological Neuroscience): Fellowship applications that emphasize physiological, pharmacological and biophysical approaches in the areas of synaptic function and synaptic plasticity neural cells may be assigned to F03B; fellowship applications that emphasize biochemical and molecular or cellular approaches in neural cells may be assigned to F03A.


With F04B (Biophysical and Biochemical Sciences): Fellowship applications concerned with quantitative analysis of biomolecular interactions and defining specific folding conformations may be assigned to F04B; fellowship applications concerned with neuronal function and structure in the areas of membrane recycling, protein structure-function and cytoskeleton structure may be assigned to F03A.


With F05 (Cell Biology and Development): Fellowship applications focusing on basic cell structure, function, and regulation may be assigned to F05 if using neural cells as model systems; fellowship applications focusing on applications focusing on development, differentiation, progenitor and stem cells, and cytoskeleton in neuronal, glial, retinal, and other excitable cells may be assigned to F03A.  F05 may also review fellowship applications on the cell biology of the retina.


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Biophysical and Physiological Neuroscience


[Emerging Technologies and Training in Neurosciences [ETTN] Integrated Review Group]



[ F03B Roster ]

Areas of interest encompassed by this study section include the basic cellular and molecular physiology of neurons, glial, retinal, and other excitable cells (including chromaffin cells, neuroendocrine cells and muscle cells); the structural and functional characteristics of ion channels and transporters; the mechanisms by which extra- and intracellular signals are transduced; the structure and function of the transducers themselves; cellular regulation/physiology; neurochemical and pharmacological mechanisms, including the actions of psychoactive drugs; and the development of therapeutic compounds. Examples of specific areas covered, as they relate to neuronal and glial cells, are listed below:

  • Signal transduction
  • Ion channels
  • Transporters
  • Neuropharmacology
  • Neuroendocrinology
  • Neuromodulators
  • Oxidative metabolism
  • Gap junctions and connexins
  • Neurotransmitter synthesis
  • Electrophysiology
  • Imaging
  • Medicinal Chemistry  

Shared Interests


With F01 (Brain Disorders and Related Neuroscience) in the areas of neurodegenerative diseases and inflammation: If fellowship applications emphasize disease processes, then assignment to the F01 fellowship study section may be appropriate.  If fellowship applications emphasize biochemical and molecular or cellular approaches, then assignment to the F03 fellowship study sections may be appropriate.


With F02A (Behavioral Neuroscience) in the areas of neuroimmunology and circadian rhythms: Fellowship applications emphasizing systems approaches may be assigned to F02A; fellowship applications emphasizing biochemical and molecular or cellular approaches may be assigned to F03B.


With F02B (Sensory, Motor, and Cognitive Neuroscience), in the area of vision: Studies of integrated circuits, systems, and behavior may be appropriate for F02B; studies of signal transduction and related processes that occur at the single cell level with emphasis on cell electrophysiology, molecular biophysics, and neurochemical pathways may be appropriate for F03B.


With F03A (Biochemical and Molecular Neuroscience): Fellowship applications that emphasize biochemical and molecular or cellular approaches in neural cells may be assigned to F03A; fellowship applications that emphasize physiological, pharmacological and biophysical approaches in the areas of synaptic function and synaptic plasticity neural cells may be assigned to F03B.


With F04B (Chemical and Bioanalytical Sciences): Fellowship applications concerned with quantitative analysis of biomolecular interactions and defining specific folding conformations may be assigned to F04B; fellowship applications that focus on signal transduction and related processes that occur at the single cell neuronal level with emphasis on cell electrophysiology, molecular biophysics, and neurochemical pathways may be appropriate for F03B.

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[SBIR/STTR Rosters]


The topics covered in ETTN (10): Clinical Neurophysiology, Devices, Auditory Devices and Neuroprosthesis Small Business SEP include developing new monitoring devices (amplifiers, electrodes) and analyses tools for EEG and related signals (ERPs) for applications in the fields of epilepsy, sleep disorders, neurological critical care, and some other miscellaneous applications such as cognitive alterations. New applications of imaging methodologies and ancillary tools for diagnostics and research applications are also reviewed in this study section.  Implantable electrodes and various aspects of neuroprosthetics devices (new arrays, telemetry, external power, etc.) and their clinical and research applications are also covered. The study section also reviews applications related to monitoring and interventional tools for the neurovascular defects (such as aneurysms), stroke, and ICP monitoring.  This study section also reviews applications dealing with the auditory system and hearing, including enhancing hearing of impaired individuals, diagnostic audiometry and devices or processes related to the neurobiology of the auditory system.


The ETTN 10, 11 and 12 Small Business SEPs share some interests with the ETTN 13 SEP.  If the focus is on more molecular aspects, non-vertebrate models, and less immediate clinical applications then the application may be reviewed within ETTN 13.  However, if the clinical implications are more immediate then they may be reviewed within ETTN 10, 11, or 12.

The ETTN 10, 11 and 12 and ETTN (13) share interests in neuropathology.   ETTN 10-12 may review small business applications focused on a neural disease or disease process. ETTN (13) may review small business applications focused on a basic neural cellular or molecular mechanisms.


ETTN Small Business Activities have the following shared interests outside the IRG:

With the Genes, Genomes and Genetics [GGG] IRG: Assignment of a molecular genetics/genomics/genetics application to ETTN should be based on the nature of scientific question(s) being addressed. Studies that are directed at a neural system disease could be assigned to the ETTN IRG, even when genetics, genomic or molecular technologies are being developed. Assignment could be to GGG if the focus of applications is on emerging genetic or genomic technologies(s) or if multiple diseases or organ systems are being targeted  with genetic, genomic or molecular genetic technologies.

With the Risk, Prevention and Health Behavior [RPHB] IRG: While ETTN reviews small business applications on the neuroscience of sensory systems other than vision, as well as tools for use in basic neuroscience research, applications dealing with quality of life issues due to sensory impairment would be reviewed by RPHB.

With the Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes [BBBP] IRG: Devices or procedures for studying animal behavior could be assigned to the BBBP IRG. Devices or procedures for use in integrative neuroscience could be assigned to the ETTN IRG.

With the Musculoskeletal, Oral, and Skin Sciences [MOSS] IRG: There is shared interest with the ETTN IRG with respect to motor systems and sensorimotor integration. If the application addresses neural control of normal biological motor function then the ETTN IRG may be appropriate. If the application addresses rehabilitation, electromyography, neural prostheses or restoration of body movement, then the MOSS IRG may be appropriate.

With the Surgical Sciences, Biomedical Imaging, and Bioengineering [SBIB] IRG: Development of imaging techniques and imaging systems, implants and prosthetic devices are shared interests.  If the focus is the development of technologies assignment could be to SBIB.  If the focus is application of technologies for use in a neuroscience related context the assignment could be to ETTN.

With the Biology of Development and Aging [BDA] IRG: Areas of shared interest include basic or applied research on the development of  devices (for diagnosis, monitoring symptoms, developing treatments) and models of neurological disorders of aging (i.e. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and stroke).  If the focus is on novel devices and monitoring systems for geriatric patients with age-related conditions involving multiple systems and/or multifactorial mechanisms, interventions for age-dependent cognitive and physiological deficits in humans (such as menopause, frailty, and infections) or studies of geriatric morbidities that transcend single organ systems or disciplines, then assignment could be to the BDA IRG.  Development of technologies for use in a general neuroscience-related context could be assigned to the ETTN IRG.

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[SBIR/STTR Rosters]


The topics covered in ETTN (11): Pharmacology and Diagnostics for Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Neural Systems Small Business SEP include basic and clinical aspects of nervous systems disorders, with emphasis on applied research oriented towards developing treatments, diagnostic methods, and models of disease for testing of new treatments. Among the specific topics covered are psychiatric and neurological conditions, including neurodegeneration (e.g., Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Multiple Sclerosis), stroke, depression and schizophrenia. The specific types of project include medicinal chemistry and pre-clinical development, assay development, diagnostic methods, development of cellular and animal models, and some clinical studies to establish proof-of-principle for new or new uses of existing drugs.  Also included in this study section is the development of medications for the treatment of pain and tools for use in basic neuroscience research.


The ETTN 10, 11 and 12 Small Business SEPs share some interests with the ETTN 13 SEP.  If the focus is on more molecular aspects, non-vertebrate models, and less immediate clinical applications then the application may be reviewed within ETTN 13.  However, if the clinical implications are more immediate then they may be reviewed within ETTN 10, 11, or 12.

The ETTN 10, 11 and 12 and ETTN (13) share interests in neuropathology.   ETTN 10-12 may review small business applications focused on a neural disease or disease process. ETTN (13) may review small business applications focused on a basic neural cellular or molecular mechanisms.


ETTN Small Business Activities have the following shared interests outside the IRG:

With the Genes, Genomes and Genetics [GGG] IRG: Assignment of a molecular genetics/genomics/genetics application to ETTN should be based on the nature of scientific question(s) being addressed. Studies that are directed at a neural system disease could be assigned to the ETTN IRG, even when genetics, genomic or molecular technologies are being developed. Assignment could be to GGG if the focus of applications is on emerging genetic or genomic technologies(s) or if multiple diseases or organ systems are being targeted  with genetic, genomic or molecular genetic technologies.

With the Risk, Prevention and Health Behavior [RPHB] IRG: While ETTN reviews small business applications on the neuroscience of sensory systems other than vision, as well as tools for use in basic neuroscience research, applications dealing with quality of life issues due to sensory impairment would be reviewed by RPHB.

With the Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes [BBBP] IRG: Devices or procedures for studying animal behavior could be assigned to the BBBP IRG. Devices or procedures for use in integrative neuroscience could be assigned to the ETTN IRG.

With the Musculoskeletal, Oral, and Skin Sciences [MOSS] IRG: There is shared interest with the ETTN IRG with respect to motor systems and sensorimotor integration. If the application addresses neural control of normal biological motor function then the ETTN IRG may be appropriate. If the application addresses rehabilitation, electromyography, neural prostheses or restoration of body movement, then the MOSS IRG may be appropriate.

With the Surgical Sciences, Biomedical Imaging, and Bioengineering [SBIB] IRG: Development of imaging techniques and imaging systems, implants and prosthetic devices are shared interests.  If the focus is the development of technologies assignment could be to SBIB.  If the focus is application of technologies for use in a neuroscience related context the assignment could be to ETTN.

With the Biology of Development and Aging [BDA] IRG: Areas of shared interest include basic or applied research on the development of  devices (for diagnosis, monitoring symptoms, developing treatments) and models of neurological disorders of aging (i.e. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and stroke).  If the focus is on novel devices and monitoring systems for geriatric patients with age-related conditions involving multiple systems and/or multifactorial mechanisms, interventions for age-dependent cognitive and physiological deficits in humans (such as menopause, frailty, and infections) or studies of geriatric morbidities that transcend single organ systems or disciplines, then assignment could be to the BDA IRG.  Development of technologies for use in a general neuroscience-related context could be assigned to the ETTN IRG.

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[SBIR/STTR Rosters]


The topics covered in ETTN (12): Visual Systems Small Business SEP include novel medical devices, monitoring systems and adaptation/improvement of existing technologies for normal and pathologic states of the eye.  Also included is the development of devices to aid the blind and visually impaired.


The ETTN 10, 11 and 12 Small Business SEPs share some interests with the ETTN 13 SEP.  If the focus is on more molecular aspects, non-vertebrate models, and less immediate clinical applications then the application may be reviewed within ETTN 13.  However, if the clinical implications are more immediate then they may be reviewed within ETTN 10, 11, or 12.

The ETTN 10, 11 and 12 and ETTN (13) share interests in neuropathology.   ETTN 10-12 may review small business applications focused on a neural disease or disease process. ETTN (13) may review small business applications focused on a basic neural cellular or molecular mechanisms.


ETTN Small Business Activities have the following shared interests outside the IRG:

With the Genes, Genomes and Genetics [GGG] IRG: Assignment of a molecular genetics/genomics/genetics application to ETTN should be based on the nature of scientific question(s) being addressed. Studies that are directed at a neural system disease could be assigned to the ETTN IRG, even when genetics, genomic or molecular technologies are being developed. Assignment could be to GGG if the focus of applications is on emerging genetic or genomic technologies(s) or if multiple diseases or organ systems are being targeted  with genetic, genomic or molecular genetic technologies.

With the Risk, Prevention and Health Behavior [RPHB] IRG: While ETTN reviews small business applications on the neuroscience of sensory systems other than vision, as well as tools for use in basic neuroscience research, applications dealing with quality of life issues due to sensory impairment would be reviewed by RPHB.

With the Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes [BBBP] IRG: Devices or procedures for studying animal behavior could be assigned to the BBBP IRG. Devices or procedures for use in integrative neuroscience could be assigned to the ETTN IRG.

With the Musculoskeletal, Oral, and Skin Sciences [MOSS] IRG: There is shared interest with the ETTN IRG with respect to motor systems and sensorimotor integration. If the application addresses neural control of normal biological motor function then the ETTN IRG may be appropriate. If the application addresses rehabilitation, electromyography, neural prostheses or restoration of body movement, then the MOSS IRG may be appropriate.

With the Surgical Sciences, Biomedical Imaging, and Bioengineering [SBIB] IRG: Development of imaging techniques and imaging systems, implants and prosthetic devices are shared interests.  If the focus is the development of technologies assignment could be to SBIB.  If the focus is application of technologies for use in a neuroscience related context the assignment could be to ETTN.

With the Biology of Development and Aging [BDA] IRG: Areas of shared interest include basic or applied research on the development of  devices (for diagnosis, monitoring symptoms, developing treatments) and models of neurological disorders of aging (i.e. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and stroke).  If the focus is on novel devices and monitoring systems for geriatric patients with age-related conditions involving multiple systems and/or multifactorial mechanisms, interventions for age-dependent cognitive and physiological deficits in humans (such as menopause, frailty, and infections) or studies of geriatric morbidities that transcend single organ systems or disciplines, then assignment could be to the BDA IRG.  Development of technologies for use in a general neuroscience-related context could be assigned to the ETTN IRG.

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[SBIR/STTR Rosters]


The topics covered in ETTN (13): Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience Small Business SEP include those areas on the molecular and cellular level.  In general, the projects involve development of devices, reagents, and software to probe channels, signal transduction, and the transducers themselves.  Studies may involve basic biological processes that underlie or may be altered by disease processes. Examples of devices might include development of imaging and recording techniques; analytical and system controlling software; monitoring and assay platforms; neuroprosthetic devices; biosensors; and stem cells and cell culture systems. Projects might also focus on neurodrug discovery and development; molecular manipulation and engineering; development of specific research reagents and assays; therapeutics; and proteins that interact with and modulate neuroreceptors, transporters and transducers.


The ETTN 10, 11 and 12 Small Business SEPs share some interests with the ETTN 13 SEP.  If the focus is on more molecular aspects, non-vertebrate models, and less immediate clinical applications then the application may be reviewed within ETTN 13.  However, if the clinical implications are more immediate then they may be reviewed within ETTN 10, 11, or 12.

The ETTN 10, 11 and 12 and ETTN (13) share interests in neuropathology.   ETTN 10-12 may review small business applications focused on a neural disease or disease process. ETTN (13) may review small business applications focused on a basic neural cellular or molecular mechanisms.


ETTN Small Business Activities have the following shared interests outside the IRG:

With the Genes, Genomes and Genetics [GGG] IRG: Assignment of a molecular genetics/genomics/genetics application to ETTN should be based on the nature of scientific question(s) being addressed. Studies that are directed at a neural system disease could be assigned to the ETTN IRG, even when genetics, genomic or molecular technologies are being developed. Assignment could be to GGG if the focus of applications is on emerging genetic or genomic technologies(s) or if multiple diseases or organ systems are being targeted  with genetic, genomic or molecular genetic technologies.

With the Risk, Prevention and Health Behavior [RPHB] IRG: While ETTN reviews small business applications on the neuroscience of sensory systems other than vision, as well as tools for use in basic neuroscience research, applications dealing with quality of life issues due to sensory impairment would be reviewed by RPHB.

With the Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes [BBBP] IRG: Devices or procedures for studying animal behavior could be assigned to the BBBP IRG. Devices or procedures for use in integrative neuroscience could be assigned to the ETTN IRG.

With the Musculoskeletal, Oral, and Skin Sciences [MOSS] IRG: There is shared interest with the ETTN IRG with respect to motor systems and sensorimotor integration. If the application addresses neural control of normal biological motor function then the ETTN IRG may be appropriate. If the application addresses rehabilitation, electromyography, neural prostheses or restoration of body movement, then the MOSS IRG may be appropriate.

With the Surgical Sciences, Biomedical Imaging, and Bioengineering [SBIB] IRG: Development of imaging techniques and imaging systems, implants and prosthetic devices are shared interests.  If the focus is the development of technologies assignment could be to SBIB.  If the focus is application of technologies for use in a neuroscience related context the assignment could be to ETTN.

With the Biology of Development and Aging [BDA] IRG: Areas of shared interest include basic or applied research on the development of  devices (for diagnosis, monitoring symptoms, developing treatments) and models of neurological disorders of aging (i.e. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and stroke).  If the focus is on novel devices and monitoring systems for geriatric patients with age-related conditions involving multiple systems and/or multifactorial mechanisms, interventions for age-dependent cognitive and physiological deficits in humans (such as menopause, frailty, and infections) or studies of geriatric morbidities that transcend single organ systems or disciplines, then assignment could be to the BDA IRG.  Development of technologies for use in a general neuroscience-related context could be assigned to the ETTN IRG.

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