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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


Materials from 2004 AcademyHealth annual research meeting now available online

Over the past 21 years, AcademyHealth's annual research meeting has evolved from being a forum solely for researchers into a conference where investigators, policymakers, practitioners, business decisionmakers, and others share ideas about how to move research into action and improve the U.S. health care system. The 2004 meeting, which was supported in part by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (HS14538), was held June 6-8 in San Diego. The meeting provided a forum for more than 120 sessions related to 14 themes, including child health, coverage and access, long-term care, and workforce issues. In addition, more than 700 individuals presented their research in poster sessions.

Visit to view a meeting summary, Web cast sessions, more than 430 research presentations, photos, and more from the 2004 meeting.

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