Scientific Areas of Integrated Review Groups (IRGs)

For a listing of the Scientific Review Officer and membership roster for each study section, click on the study section roster under the study section name within an IRG listed below or go to the study section index (study sections listed alphabetically) and click on the specified roster next to the name of the study section.

Infectious Diseases and Microbiology IRG [IDM]
Last updated:01/21/2005 09:57:55

Printer Friendly (Complete IRG)

The Infectious Diseases and Microbiology [IDM] IRG will consider applications involving the basic biology of microbes (excluding HIV), multicellular parasites and their vectors, and the infections and diseases caused by these agents.  Specifically the IDM IRG reviews research grant applications concerning virology and viral pathogenesis, bacteriology and bacterial pathogenesis, fungal pathogenesis, parasitology and parasitic diseases, the innate and adaptive host responses to these microbes and viruses, and the development of anti-infective agents to treat and prevent infectious disease.  If the focus of a grant application is a pathogen or a pathogenic mechanism, assignment for review could be to an IDM study section.

The following study sections are included within the IDM IRG: