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Counselor Bloggers
What is Recovery?

An essay on the subject of “What is Recovery” raises, for me, the question of what is Addiction. Since everyone of us has an idea, our own idea, of what Addiction is, we'll also have our own answer to “What is Recovery?”

Since we don’t have agreement in our field on what Addiction is, I doubt that we can come up with an easy agreement on what recovery is. I could just tell you my definition of both but my goal is not for us to have a debate over which we can come to a resolution. My goal is that we all look at ourselves and how we got to this question. It may be, that after examining ourselves, we may choose to change the question we ask.


Turkish-American Substance Abuse Counselors Needed

Certified/licensed substance abuse counselors fluent in Turkish are sought for a new Homeless Adolescent Rehabilitation Center in Gaziantep, Turkey. 

For more information, contact Dr. David J. Powell, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , 860 653-4470.

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August 2008 Vol. 9, No.4
August 2008 Vol. 9, No.4
Addiction: Why Are Some of us More Vulnerable than Others?

Although neuroscientists have made major contributions over the past several decades in elucidating the brain mechanisms and underlying neurotransmitter systems involved with addictive drugs, there has been insufficient attention paid to possibl...

Substance Abuse Treatment for Offenders

Editors Note: This article was adapted from a series of articles that ran in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (JSAT), in accordance with a partnership agreement between Counselor Magazine and JSAT to bridge the gap between research and c...

Addressing Sexual Issues in Addictions Treatment

Counselors know that some of their clients exchange sex for drugs; need drugs or alcohol to have sex; need the disinhibition resulting from drug use to engage in sex; and believe that drugs provide enhanced sexual performance.

Despite havin...

The Culture of Recovery in America

For the past nine years, the articles in this column of Counselor have sought to educate addiction professionals about the rich history of addiction treatment and recovery in America and to highlight emerging trends that are of historical import...

Recovery is Just an Island Away
Many people feel like they need to get away to recover from a devastating addiction. Perhaps that is why some people elect to literally get out of the country for their rehabilitation, whether it means coming over to the United States, or going ab...

Letter from the Editor, August 2008 Letter from the Editor, August 2008

Dear Readers,

Whether you are for or against it, the topic of medical marijuana usually elicits very strong opinions. This controversial subject has been generating some press lately on a few fronts.

On April 17, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Ma...

Implementing a Clinical  Supervision System Implementing a Clinical Supervision System

Over the past 32 years I have trained tens of thousands of clinical supervisors and wanta-be supervisors. As valuable as that training might be, the real test of whether an organization has a quality system for clinical supervision is not at the...

Prevention — A Tricky Issue

“Our country is gaining weight. Obesity leads to significant morbidity. Chronic joint pain and hypertension are two of the many possible disease states that can result from an individual’s overweight status. Therefore, we must do eve...

Let Me Know If They Crash

When all the management fads, from Management by Objectives (made famous by Drucker over 50 years ago) to the latest ones, have faded from awareness; when the latest “must read” book becomes passé; when the hot new training pa...

Online Counseling — Is It Too Remote? Online Counseling — Is It Too Remote?

It’s pretty difficult these days to think of much else, besides the high cost of gasoline. It seems only a short time ago gasoline was roughly a dollar a gallon, and now it’s easily four times as much.

For those of us who w...

Walking with the Great Spirit Walking with the Great Spirit

To my way of thinking, one of the greatest gifts of recovery lies in the invitation to form a deep and abiding relationship with a higher power of our own choosing.

As I have shared in previous columns, my own spiritual quest has entailed ...

NLP -- Reprogramming the Brain NLP -- Reprogramming the Brain

Generally, at some point in the treatment of persons with addiction, there is usually some discussion focused on identifying and examining the root of the addictive disease, or what might have triggered its onset.

For instance, counselors m...

In Spite of What We Read in the Tabloids, Miracles Happen In Spite of What We Read in the Tabloids, Miracles Happen

I feel a bit frustrated when I hear yet another story of a debauched celebrity who, dodging the fallout of a well-publicized behavioral meltdown, runs to one of the boutique rehabs that dot the hills above Malibu, Calif., eager to repair a damag...

Prevention Strategies You Can Really Use, Part II Prevention Strategies You Can Really Use, Part II

Researchers at the Treatment Research Institute in Philadelphia looked at 100 prevention programs and identified 10 key principles of what makes for an exemplary prevention program. The first five principles were covered in last month’s co...

Say Yes to Your Spirit

Years ago I was impacted by Dr Conway Hunter, who said, “Leo, you need to think outside of the box. Spirituality is not something that we explain, it’s something we experience.” Years later I was attending a conference and I he...

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