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In lasting memory of September 11, 2001

Test your AVRT-IQ!

AVRT® is a piercing insight into addiction and recovery. See if your own beliefs are keeping you addicted, in recovery, or preventing someone else from recovering. The confidential results are graded with some interpretation and recommendations.

Quick Start on

Rational Recovery

©2005, Jack Trimpey, all rights reserved.

• There is enough information at this website for you to totally recover from any addiction, e.g., alcohol, crank, crack, heroin, opiates, sex and porn addiction, overeating, computer addiction, gambling, or other personal behavior that goes against your own better judgment.

• Bookmark this website, now. Make this page your home base for a few months, until you’re totally recovered from your addiction — a normal, healthy, securely abstinent person.

AVRT: The Class

By reservation only.

This is two days of intensive, face-to-face instruction on AVRT-based recovery conducted by Jack Trimpey at the RR national office in Northern California. Pick the earliest two consecutive days you can appear for this life-changing event, and call 530-621-2667. (More)

The full curriculum of AVRT-based recovery is contained in the DVD set:

AVRT: Live

AVRT: Live is direct, learn-by- video recovery from addiction, within the time it takes you to view this set of 5 DVD’s, in the privacy of your home.

Notice to Attorneys, Judges,
Courts, Licensing Boards,
Monitoring Authorities:

Rational Recovery
Monitor Program

The Zero-Tolerance Ultimatum for the Addicted Spouse or Significant Other (ASS) in Your Family

© 2005, Jack Trimpey

In Rational Recovery®, the family has an entirely different role than in the traditional disease/treatment way of thinking. One popular idea is that families should gather together with other troubled families, seeking outside guidance and advice. One good example of this approach is Al-Anon, which views addiction/alcoholism as a family disease, and views family members as “enablers” and “codependents.” Like all addiction recovery groups, Al-Anon uses a doctrine that fosters endless dependence upon the groups, with the primary aim of simply recruiting the entire family into AA/NA.

Along the same lines, you may have heard of “interventions,” in which the family has a little surprise party for their substance abuser, with the aim of shaming him/her into immediate enrollment in an addiction treatment center. That kind of “tough-love”action, often with the treatment center van idling outside, is rarely helpful or constructive, always expensive, and very often harmful to hopes for eventual reconciliation.

Professional “interventionists” may charge thousands of dollars for their marginally legal service, which is essentially forceful recruitment into the recovery group movement via a health care setting.

All of this “therapeutic” activity is part of a convincing illusion that addicted people are somehow defective, or are afflicted with a disease that requires skilled, professional services and lifelong management and prevention. In Rational Recovery®, we take a rather old-fashioned view of the addiction as willful misconduct, voluntary and for the purpose of physical pleasure. As for “tough love, we know it’s tough to love a drunk, so there’s no use pretending.

We suggest that the addicted spouse or significant other be thought of in the shortened tag, ASS, an ass who is betraying others for the sheer pleasure produced by alcohol and other drugs. Accordingly, we tend to view the family of addicted people as suckers, because the family’s ASS takes advantage of everyone’s better nature in order to build tolerance for more self-intoxication, especially those little planned, personal parties called, “relapses.”

We do not support the idea of “intervention,” where the family surrenders to outside influences that go strongly against the family’s own native values and beliefs. We believe that most families, even families with many great problems, have a foundation in wisdom and common sense that is more meaningful and helpful than all of the medical, spiritual, and psychological help in the world. This is a far cry from the disease concept of addiction, which begs us all to have patience with “alcoholics” who continue their nightly absences from the home, working year after year on the problem, but staying “sober” just one-day-at-a-time.

Addictive Voice Recognition Technique® (AVRT®), described throughout the RR website and in Rational Recovery: The New Cure for Substance Addiction, is the wakeup call for all involved to get a grip on the problem, and take action right now, or else.

Addiction is insatiable, and will consume all of any family’s emotional and financial resources, and still demand more. Very often, families require the addicted member to choose between contining to drink/use and family membership. Accordingly, we heartily endorse the zero-tolerance ultimatum, in which the family forces the addicted member to choose between addiction and some action the family will take to protect itself.

Setting the stage for action:
To follow in this article is a clear, 10-point outline to guide your family through the actions and decision-making process that leads to prompt, total recovery from even the most serious, long-standing substance addiction. Our direct approach to recovery, AVRT®, relys entirely upon your family’s strengths, traditional values, and native beliefs. Rational Recovery® is your key resource in making a plan that will protect the family, while secondarily giving your addicted family member the greatest opportunity to defeat the addiction and live in freedom and dignity. We know that AVRT-based recovery brings out the best in every family — their own family beliefs, values and traditions. For example, families are the basic unit of survival for human beings, and cannot include for long those who will betray it or harm its members.

We are confident that no mysterious disease causes or compels addicted people to drink/use, and that they are not victims of genetic circumstances, nor victims of past traumas or disappointments, nor are they afflicted with psychological problems that compel them to drink, drink, drink. Indeed, addicted people are victims of nothing else than their own hidebound, animal stupidity as they relentlessly pursue the unspeakable pleasures of alcohol and other drugs. Nonetheless, addicted people are just like everyone else, in that we all… [More inside]

• If you’re drinking/using today, you won’t learn much of anything. Come back in the morning or when you aren’t under the influence.

• To quit your addiction you must first stop drinking/using long enough to learn AVRT®.

• Addiction recovery is not a group project; it is an individual responsibility. You are ultimately on your own.

• There are no Rational Recovery groups anywhere in the world! Your desire for “support” is nothing more, and nothing less, than a plan to get loaded in the absence of support.

• There is nothing in your past, in your genes, in your brain, or in your personality that compels you to drink or use. Using is voluntary, purposeful behavior.

• The sole cause of your addiction is a voice in your head that tells you to “Do it!” in a thousand different ways. That is your Addictive Voice.

• Personal problems don’t cause addiction; addiction causes your personal problems.

• Self-improvement does not result in addiction recovery. Recovery leads to self-improvement.

• You drink or use because you love to get high. Admit it!

• The worst possible way to quit something you love is one-day-at-a-time.

• Stay away from recovery groups of all kinds; you can’t possibly recover there. They’ll never let you go, and you’ll be “in recovery” forever.

• Stay away from shrinks; most substance abuse counselors are members of recovery groups, unable to trust themselves without evening supervision. The rest have never been addicted, and can only guess at what addiction is and what to do about it.

• Your physician can’t help you with your addiction; he may even be supporting it. Most refer to recovery groups, to which many of them belong. However, they do have good treatments for withdrawal, if you are in danger of seizures.

• Consider that the real truth about addiction and recovery lies in the exact opposite of most popular beliefs.

• Recall your original family values, the ideas about right and wrong you knew by the age of 5 or 6. Those are your foundation for addiction recovery.

• Your beliefs about God are fine, whether you believe or not. Sound, sprititual growth may only follow AVRT-based recovery, when your thoughts are not biased by the mandate of addiction.

• AVRT-based recovery is as difficult as you make it, and takes as long as you choose.

• If you won’t trust yourself, why should anyone else?

• Get authentic Rational Recovery® learning materials.

• Click “Recover Now,” in the left sidebar, to get started in AVRT-based recovery.

• Make a plan to devote some time at the RR bookstore to get authentic Rational Recovery® literature and multimedia productions on AVRT-based recovery.

• To take the strongest action, call 530-621-2667 to register for the next session of AVRT: The Course.

What Your Sex Beast® Really Wants
© 2005, Jack Trimpey

If you are a "secret sexer," pursuing forbidden fruit against your own better judgment, you are likely in the grip of your Sex Beast®, a mindless desire for erotic pleasures. If you pursue illegal pleasures, your Sex Beast® wants you to believe that you are out of control, that there is no cure for your obsession, and that you are doomed to keep rolling the dice until the worst happens. Your Sex Beast® wants you to think there's something wrong with you, that you need the help of recovery groups, shrinks, and addiction treatment in order to behave properly. My urgent advice to you is to stay away from recovery groups of all kinds, and don't bother with counseling or addiction treatment, but by all means quit your objectionable behavior right now, and for the rest of your days. Your Sex Beast’s urgent advice is for you to get out of this website before you learn too much.

Addictive Voice Recognition Technique® (AVRT®) is an approach to addiction recovery based upon the experiences of people who have actually recovered independently, as an expression of moral judgment and free will. Surely you are aware that many men and women make great, abrupt changes in their sexual styles. AVRT® is approximately how this is done, in an educational format offered only here, at this website.

This article, which continues in the subscription area, is the key application of AVRT® to sexual error. Originally, AVRT® was devised for addiction to alcohol and other drugs, but over the years, we have heard from a good many people reporting very good results with "other addictions," including overeating, sexual error, overspending, shoplifting, and gambling. There is a book for overeaters, Taming the Feast Beast, and in the later book, Rational Recovery: The New Cure for Substance Addiction, there is a complete chapter on the subject of problem gambling. In the midst of confusion in the field of sexual addiction, some key people are beginning to recognize that AVRT® is different from traditional viewpoints, is highly relevant and useful, as in this brief review of The New Cure.

Sexual addiction is any sexual indulgence that persists against one's own better judgment. Thus, someone without the desire to quit an indulgence or activity altogether is not addicted, but simply engaged in risky behavior. In AVRT-based recovery, addiction is not a diagnosis, but a condition evident only to oneself. Accordingly, AVRT® is not a source of moralism for judging other people‘s personal conduct, but only a means for constructively judging your own conduct.

The sole cause of sexual addiction is the Addictive Voice (AV), the subjective, mental voice or imagery in one's head that supports or suggests the continuation of behavior that conflicts with or deviates from one's own better judgment. The AV is only an expression of sexual desire, however, and is not sexual desire itself. Sexual desire (libido) is invariably a sign of robust physical health, regardless of what objects or engagements one strives for. Sexual error occurs when one chooses to act upon certain sexual desires that conflict with one's own better judgment. Those desires we call the Sex Beast®. (More)


Welcome to the Internet Center for Self Recovery!

We wish that Rational Recovery had been available to us when we needed it years ago, because information on self-recovery from addiction would have spared our family much misery, expense, and trouble. The good news is that we have prevailed over addiction and gone on to pioneer some exciting changes in addiction recovery. As a result you now have access to the most efficient, sensible, and dignified approach to recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs - Addictive Voice Recognition Technique (AVRT)

Rational Recovery is the original and only resource on self-recovery, providing inspiration and guidance in every community through the internet, bookstores, and libraries. This website is a comprehensive resource which will allow you to proceed to full recovery in as short a time as you like -- without the use of any other resources such as recovery groups, professional counselors, or addiction treatment centers. Regardless of how you got to this website, you may now choose between the domain of addiction and a life of your own choosing.

Families with an addicted member may find our viewpoints on addiction far more sensible than the confused and often demeaning concepts found in mainstream approaches. This is because our approach is based upon old-fashioned values that have almost certainly been handed down for generations in your own family. Here, you may revive your own common sense and follow your own best judgment, rather than relying upon advice from people whose lives are defined by chronic addiction, social cultism, and endless recovery.

If you have been struggling unsuccessfully for many years, or have long exposure to recovery groups or addiction treatment, the idea of recovering from serious, chronic addiction in a very short time may sound too good to be true, far-fetched, or might even be a con or a scam. With AVRT, you can put truth back on its feet. You will see that AVRT is for tough cases, just like you, who couldn't get better in groups and treatment because those approaches are fatally flawed. The tougher the addiction, the easier self-recovery often is!

If you are a physician or professional counselor, stand back and behold that self-recovery accounts for most if not all addiction recovery! Because informed consent must include significant resources such as AVRT®, your clients now have direct access, through your referral to this vital knowledge base.

Rational Recovery exists to bring hope, sanity, and reality back to addiction recovery. We have posted some background information about Rational Recovery as an "attitude adjustment." You should get ready right now for many jolts of common sense, as you learn AVRT.

Jack and Lois Trimpey, Co-Founders
Rational Recovery



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