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EEO and Diversity
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1996 Review Posters

Boulder Community Network
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Boulder Weather

Equal Employment Opportunity

Seal of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Jorgeann Hiebert
EEO Manager

325 Broadway R/E/ET0
Boulder, CO 80303
(303) 497-6856

EEO Procedures and Resources




Diversity at ETL

NOAA Diversity Logo

Richard Lataitis
Diversity Liaison

325 Broadway R/E/ETL
Boulder, CO 80303
(303) 497-6523

"Diversity transcends race and gender, affirmative action and Equal Employment Opportunity. It must encompass a fundamental appreciation of one another and a respect for both our similarities and our differences. It must include a heartfelt respect in attitude and in behavior towards those of different race, gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity and those with disabilities. All the facets that make each individual the unique and precious resource that each of us is." -Ronald Brown, Former Secretary of Commerce

Diversity Resources:

EEO/Diversity Training

Remember to look for courses designed to support the NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 202-411, NOAA Leadership Training Program. The NAO states, that effective January 1, 1995, all employees newly appointed to supervisory positions and those serving supervisory probationary periods, must attend an approved 40 hour course in basic supervision as a part of their performance requirements.

Earth System Research Laboratory
Physical Science Division (PSD)
Environmental Technology Laboratory

325 Broadway R/ETL
Boulder, Colorado 80305-3328

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