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Tri-Party Agreement Change Requests

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 
C-96-01   01/23/1996  Transfer the 618-5 Burial Ground from the 300-FF-1 Operable Unit to the 300-FF-2 Operable Unit  
C-96-02   01/23/1996  Listing of suspect sites, 100-IU-3 (Wahluke Slope) Operable Unit  
M-13-95-02   02/16/1996  Cease completion of the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan for the 300-FF-2 Operable Unit.  
M-43-95-02  02/27/1996  Revise the M-43-02, M-43-04, M-43-05 & M-43-06 series of milestones to reflect the current management approach to Project W-314 and the current project status 
M-17-95-07  03/26/1996  Revise Sampling and Analysis Plan for 400 Area Secondary Cooling Water (M-17-44) 
E-96-01   03/26/1996  Update Appendix E for 1996 printing of the Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order  
P-06-96-01  03/26/1996  Expansion of Hanford facility waste management capacity due to the discontinuation of process operations 
D-96-01   04/10/1996  Remove graphic work schedule from Appendix D  
M-15-96-01  04/23/1996  Modification to due date for Milestones M-15-80, M-15-80C-T01, M-15-80A, and M-15-80B, Under The Columbia River Comprehensive Impact Assessment (CRCIA)  
M-26-96-01  04/23/1996  Revise Tritium Treatment Technology Report submittal schedule to biennial 
M-15-96-04   04/30/1996  200-BP-5 groundwater monitoring requirements  
M-34-96-01  05/09/1996  Modification to extend the due date for Target Date M-34-00-T06 
M-15-96-02   06/18/1996  Incorporation of 1324 - N&NA (TSD) Units within Milestone M-15-12B  
M-16-96-01  06/24/1996  Remedial Action Milestones, 100-BC-1, 100-HR-1 and 100-DR-1 Operable Units 
P-09-96-01  06/25/1996  Update process flow chart for Part B Permit Application and Closure/Postclosure Plan 
C-96-04   07/17/1996  Clarification of 300-FF-2 and 300-FF-5 Operable Unit boundaries  
M-16-96-02  07/23/1996  200-ZP-1 Phase II/III IRM activities and associated milestone change package 
M-50-95-01  07/24/1996  Tank waste pretreatment privatization 
M-60-95-03  07/24/1996  Privatization of low activity waste pretreatment and immobilization 
M-15-96-06   08/15/1996  Modifications to the groundwater and analysis schedules for the 100-FR-3 Operable Unit groundwater sampling project . Replaces M-15-96-03  
M-15-96-07   08/15/1996  Modifications to the groundwater and analysis schedules for the 100-BC-5 Operable Unit groundwater sampling project  
M-16-96-04  08/21/1996  Modification of schedule and monitoring network described in the N-Springs Expedited Response Action Performance Monitoring Plan  
M-44-96-03  08/30/1996  Submit TWAP and TCPs annually to Ecology for approval  
M-41-96-02  09/23/1996  Revise M-41 Interim Milestones due to flammable gas issue  
M-16-96-05  09/24/1996  100-HR-3 and 100-KR-4 Operable Units interim action milestones 
M-16-96-03  09/24/1996  Deferral of Target Date Milestone M-16-01E-T02, Initiate Pretreatment and Removal of all N-Reactor Fuel Storage Basin Waters Pursuant to the N Reactor Deactivation Program Plan”  
P-09-96-03  09/24/1996  Remove references to Westinghouse Hanford Company from Section 9.0 of the Action Plan 
M-24-96-01  09/26/1996  Establish Calendar Year 1996 interim milestone for RCRA Well installation 
M-19-95-01A  10/03/1996  Revise M-19 milestones to allow for alternate treatment and direct disposal options for low level mixed wastes  
M-43-96-01  10/09/1996  Extend completion date for Milestones M-43-01 and M-43-01C 
M-15-96-08   10/09/1996  Modifications to the groundwater sampling and analysis schedules for the 100-NR-2 Operable Unit Groundwater Sampling Project and 100-N Area RCRA Monitoring Program  
C-96-05   10/16/1996  Revision to 100-FR-3 Operable Unit boundaries to include groundwater under 100-IU-2 and 100-IU-5  
C-96-08   11/26/1996  Change Operable Unit 100-IU-5 lead regulatory agency designation from Ecology to EPA  
M-20-96-01  11/26/1996  Revise Interim Milestone M-20-21A due to B Plant facility transition 
M-15-96-14   11/26/1996  This change will eliminate the submittal of final versions of the 200-UP-2 Focused Feasibility Study and proposed plan and will remove reference to the RCRA closure of the 216-U-12 Crib. (A portion of M-15-15E was previously satisfied through submittal of the Limited Field Investigation Report, Rev. 0, November 28, 1995)  
M-82-96-01  11/27/1996  Establish milestones and target dates for B Plant facility transition, Milestone Series M-82 
M-16-96-07  12/16/1996  Modification of TPA Milestone M-16-01A and deletion of TPA Milestone M-16-01B 
M-15-96-13   12/16/1996  Modification to due dates for Milestones M-15-80, M-15-80B-T01, M-15-80A, and M-15-80B, and change of M-15-80B to target date M-15-80B-T02 under the Columbia River Comprehensive Impact Assessment (CRCIA)  
M-15-96-12   12/17/1996  200-ZP-2 Rebound Study Restart (M-15-36)  
L-96-01   12/31/1996  Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (Agreement) modifications pursuant to milestone M-33-00 negotiations, a subsequent Agreement in Principle dated June 30, 1995, and the establishment of new major milestone series, M-90-00, M-91-00, and M-92-00  
M-20-96-02  12/31/1996  Modification of Major Milestone M-20-00 and establishment of M-20-00 Interim Milestones in support of Major Milestone M-90-00 (see Change Request M-90-96-01) (Governing the Acquisition of New Facilities, Modification of Existing Facilities, and/or Modification of Planned Facilities Necessary for the Storage, and/or Disposal of Treated and Immobilized Tank Wastes)  
M-90-96-01  12/31/1996  Creation of new Major Milestone M-90-00 and its sub-elements governing the acquisition of new facilities, modification of existing facilities, and/or modification of planned facilities necessary for the storage, and/or disposal of treated and immobilized tank wastes. 
M-91-96-01  12/31/1996  Creation of new Major Milestone M-91-96-01 and its sub-elements governing the acquisition of new facilities, modification of existing facilities, and/or modification of planned facilities necessary for the storage, processing, and disposal of Hanford Site Transuranic And Transuranic Mixed Waste (TRU/TRUM), Low Level Mixed Waste (LLMW), and Greater Than Category 3 (GTC3) Low Level Waste (LLW) and LLMW. 
M-92-96-01  12/31/1996  Creation of new major Milestone M-92-00 and its sub-elements governing the acquisition of new facilities, modification of existing facilities, and/or modification of planned facilities necessary for the storage, treatment/processing, and disposal of Hanford Site cesium and strontium capsules (Cs/Sr), Unirradiated Uranium (UU), bulk sodium (Na), and 300 Area Special Case Waste (SCW). 
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