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September 2003

Graphic link to WTO Ministerial, Cancun, Mexico, Sept. 10-14, 2003
The Cancún Ministerial
, the latest meeting of the World Trade Organization, concluded on September 14 without consensus.

-- USTR Robert B. Zoellick and USDA Secretary Ann M. Veneman Hold Press Conference as Ministerial Concludes (09/14/03)

News   |  Radio Clips  |  Web Casts

Text bullet USDA Announces $2.8 Billion in Export Credit Guarantees
The Foreign Agricultural Service today announced allocations of about $2.8 billion under USDA’s export credit guarantee programs for fiscal year 2004. These initial allocations cover sales of U.S. agricultural commodities to 20 countries and regions. (09/30/03)
Text bullet Secretary Veneman Comments on U.S.-Russia Agreement on U.S. Meat and Poultry Market Access
The United States and Russia have reached an agreement in principle on the parameters for market access for U.S. poultry, pork and beef. (9/29/03)
 -- U.S., Russia Reach Poultry, Pork, Beef Export Agreement (analysis,
    U.S. Department of State; 09/29/03)
Text bullet Secretary Veneman Comments on Future Trends in Animal Agriculture
Addresses session on scientific and regulatory issues of food animal production: animal health, food safety, research, the environment, and trade. (09/17/03)
Text bullet U.S. Officials Hold Press Conference on Eve of World Trade Organization Ministerial 
Agriculture Secretary Veneman and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick provided perspective on what may be accomplished during the ministerial prior to answering questions from the press. (09/09/03) Transcript
-- Last week's tele-news conference (Audio, transcript; 09/04/03)
Text bullet U.S. Officials Discuss Upcoming World Trade Organization Ministerial 
Agriculture Secretary Veneman and the chief agricultural negotiator for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative discussed the upcoming World Trade Organization Ministerial in Cancún, Mexico, during a tele-news conference. (09/04/03) Transcript
Text bullet President Bush Signs Chile and Singapore Free Trade Agreements
President remarks on historic agreements between the United States and South American, Asia-Pacific countries. (09/03/03)
Text bullet U.S. Agricultural Exports Forecast Raised to $57 Billion for
Fiscal Year 200

USDA said that American farmers will export an estimated $57 billion worth of agricultural products in fiscal 2004, up $1.5 billion from the current year. (08/26/03)
 -- Read the full FAS/ERS report
 -- FAS Analysis of Report Forecast

Text bullet

Rebuilding Agriculture and Food Security in Iraq

FAS is working in close partnership with other agencies in the U.S. government to assure the food security of the people of Iraq right now and for the future.
 -- Overview of Commercial Law in Iraq (draft in .pdf; 06/12/03) 
U.S. Lifts Sanctions Against Iraq (05/27/03)
UN Security Council Resolution 1483 Lifts Sanctions on Iraq (05/22/03)
Bush Administration Announces Iraq Reconstruction Task Force (05/16/03)
Business Guide for Iraq (via Export.gov)
Text bullet Food For Progress Program Accepting Applications Until Sept. 15
bullet Featured Reports

09/26  Global Crop Watch
EU: Biodiesel Industry Expanding Use of Oilseeds
Just Add Water: A Modern Agricultural Revolution in the Fertile Crescent 
West African Franc Zone: Bumper Cotton Harvest Expected
As European Exportable Supplies Fall, U.S. Wheat Benefits
U.S. Exports of Essential Oils Forecast to Set New Record
09/12  Global Crop Watch
U.S. Soybean Exports Forecast Down on Tightening U.S. Soybean Supply
Cotton: A Record Year for U.S. Exports
09/12  As European Wheat Supply Shrinks, Other Major Exporters Benefit
09/11  2003/04 Global Grain Production Continues to Dwindle
West Africa: Bumper 2003/04 Cotton Harvest Forecast 
Key Provisions of Bioterrorism Act Soon to Be Implemented
Global Crop Watch
U.S. Wheat to Face Stronger Competition in Latin America
Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards Country Report
09/03  U.S. Mackerel Exports On The Rise In Nigeria And Eastern Europe
08/29  Global Crop Watch
Ukraine Strengthens Broiler Production

bullet World Production, Market and Trade Reports
09/30  U.S. Planting Seed Trade
09/30  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
09/15  Tropical Products: World Markets and Trade
Cotton: World Markets and Trade
Dairy Monthly Imports
Grains: World Markets and Trade
09/12  Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade
09/11  World Agricultural Production 
PDF  Data
  Early release -- Cotton Data PDF - Excel
08/29  Dairy Monthly Imports
08/29  Tobacco: World Markets and Trade
exempt USDA Schedules 2003 Release Dates for World Market and Trade Reports
bullet Federal Register Notices
09/30  Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
Notice re South Carolina Shrimpers' Association and the South Carolina

          Shrimp Growers Association)
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
          (Notice re United Fishermen of Alaska)

Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
          (Notice re Wild Blueberry Commission of Maine)

Assessment of Fees for Dairy Import Licenses 
          for the 2004 Tariff-Rate Import Quota Year

Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers: Final Rule
bullet Export Sales
Archival export sales reports are available from 1998 to the present.
bullet USDA Calendar of Publications
bullet Previous Month Logs
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This page last updated: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 03:12:08 PM