Hurricane Katrina Floods the Southeastern United States

  • Credit

    NASA image courtesy Lawrence Ong, EO-1 Mission Science Office, NASA GSFC. Annotations included based on graphic from the <cite>New York Times.</cite>

Hurricane Katrina devastated parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida with heavy rain and a powerful storm surge in August 2005.

Over the course of just two days, visible progress was being made in pumping floodwaters out of New Orleans. This pair of images from NASA’s Advanced Land Imager sensor on the EO-1 satellite contrasts the city on September 8 (top) and September 6 (bottom). The blue, bruised appearance that flood waters are giving the city decreased in the interval between the two images, and obvious increases in dry ground are apparent in the East New Orleans, Lower Ninth Ward, and Lake View parts of the city. In Lake Pontchartrain (top), plumes are visible near the mouths of canals, where floodwaters are being pumped out of the city. The high-resolution image provided above is from September 8. For the high-resolution version of the September 6 image, please see the previously posted image.


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