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Obtaining an Event Date

Finding a date for your event


It is not possible to inquire about dates for your event "too soon" and preferably at least 6 to 12 months before the proposed event.

Please DO NOT use blank days on our 'Upcoming Events page' as a guideline for available dates. That page ONLY includes public Performances or Events that are fully confirmed into our rental schedule, and it may not include:

  • Confirmed events more than several months in the future
  • Private events, activities and meetings that are not open to the public

It also does not include:

  • Days or weeks scheduled for; 'Load-in/set-up' and 'Rehearsals' for an Event
  • Events with an approved Rental Application, but not a signed Rental Permit 
  • Tentative events that have submitted a Rental Application
  • Tentative events that have inquired about dates
  • Days or weeks scheduled for building repairs or equipment installation

If dates are available for your event you will be 'penciled in' and asked to complete and return a Rental Application form.  The Booking Deposit fee is due with your Application.

It is your responsibility to submit your Rental Application and Booking Deposit far enough in advance to allow for administrative process, discussion, scheduling & holding a Rental Permit signing meeting, ticket sales setup, etc.   Please allow a minimum of 4 to 6 months.


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