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"This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of their official duties. Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code this software is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. The Mark-III microphone array is an experimental system and is offered AS IS. NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees and NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, about its quality, reliability, fitness for any purpose, or any other characteristic. We would appreciate acknowledgment if the software is used. This software can be redistributed and/or modified freely provided that any derivative works bear some notice that they are derived from it, and any modified versions bear some notice that they have been modified from the original."

Hardware and VHDL

Document Date/Release File name Type Size
Gerber files of the Microboard Version 1 with microphones at 2cm done under Eagle 4.09r2 06-07-2003 ZIP 110,441 bytes
Gerber files of the Microboard Version 1 with microphones at 4cm done under Eagle 4.09r2 06-07-2003 ZIP 121,568 bytes
Gerber files of the Microboard Version 2 with microphones at 2cm done under Eagle 4.09r2 10-21-2005 ZIP 989,871 bytes
Gerber files of the Powerboard for the version 2 done under Eagle 4.09r2 10-21-2005 ZIP 672,485 bytes
Gerber files of the Motherboard done under Eagle 4.09r2 06-07-2003 ZIP 266,712 bytes
FAB drawings of the Microboard and Motherboard 06-07-2003 ZIP 27,235 bytes
Prom file of Mark III Microphone Array version: CMA3v920 04-16-2004 ZIP 160,967 bytes
PCB file of the synchronization board (MarkIII) 02-04-2008 ZIP 23,890 bytes
VHDL Code 01-31-2008 ZIP 23,890 bytes


Document Date/Release File name Type Size
User's Guide of Mark III version 1 10-01-2003 Microphone_Array_Mark_III.pdf PDF 2,106,172 bytes
User Manual of Mark III version 2 On line version 10-21-2005 Microphone_Array_Mark_III_version_2.pdf PDF 10,321,879 bytes
Technical documentation Mark III version 2 On line version 10-21-2005 Technical_Documentation_Mark_III.pdf PDF 2,127,111 bytes
Documentation of the synchronization board for MARKIIIs 02-04-2008 synchronization_board.pdf PDF 7,179,823 bytes

Parts Listing

Document Date/Release File name Type Size
Powerboard V2.0 05-21-2008 Powerboard_V2.0.xls XLS 51,712 bytes
Microboard_V2.0 03-11-2008 Microboard_V2.0.xls XLS 101,376 bytes
Motherboard V2.0 03-11-2008 Motherboard.xls XLS 93,184 bytes
Synchronization board 02-19-2008 Connectorboard_V2.0.xls XLS 89,088 bytes


Document Date/Release File name Type Size
MKIII (Library, oscilloscope, capture and normalize program) 05-21-2008 zip 241,715 bytes
MKIII (Array simple controls, microphone array data (24b packed, Big Endian) to Linux usable (32bits, Little Endian) converter and channels splitter) 10-01-2005 zip 14,359 bytes
Channel extraction in Perl 10-01-2003 zip 2,722 bytes
Java program to put the data from the array to a file 10-01-2003 zip 2,422 bytes
The Open Source tool WaveSurfer can be used for sound visualization and manipulation. See Third Party Website See Third Party